
Wednesday, May 08, 2024

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Introducing Psychegnosis

The $1,000,000 Challenge - can you put forward a better way to have Peace?

The $1,000,000 Challenge - can you put forward a better way to have Peace?

The $1,000,000 Challenge.

We will be offering the following : Psychegnosis News is Challenging the World that there is no better overall way to finding Peace than what PSYCHEGNOSIS has brought to the table.

This Challenge will begin in July 2009 and will be open for debate at that time.

The details will be posted on our Website.

We are confident that our claim that PSYCHEGNOSIS has everything within its concepts to bring the inner and Worldwide Peace necessary for Mankind to survive.

The articles that have been written about many subjects are the evidence that we will use in our defense.

We ask that you read as many as possible with an open mind and ask your inner self if what you are reading is what we claim.

If you can put forward a more valid or practical way that will BENEFIT ALL mankind in every Country we shall willingly pay over the sum of $1,000,000.

This Challenge is open to all people and will be $1,000,000 U.S. dollars.

The Editor Of Psychegnosis News.

Details to follow.