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A trip down memory lane : what causes Obsession to go on and on and on and on…?( Part 2)

A trip down memory lane : what causes Obsession to go on and on and on and on…?

We are looking at previous articles that made an impact when they were first published. These articles are ALL pertaining to ourselves and our behavioural patterns. They are what we should perhaps name as wake up calls.

These wake up calls have a special message that applies to us ALL and none more so than today’s topic we published last St Valentines day about Obsession.

Let us without further ado review the self same article as it was presented that day. It is in BOLD TYPE below :

“Obsession, Obsession, Obsession - lt goes on and and on and on….
Saturday, February 14, 2009

Category - Health

...and on and on and on - that’s where obsessiveness starts in our heads with an idea turned into a thought and then emotional thought. The thought turns into action which eventually becomes who we think we are.

Therein lies the problem. The original thought. What then became an Obsession was constant thinking or bringing to mind that original thought. This became our dominant “illusion”.

It’s the nearest state to what we shall call “possession”. This word does not indicate someone evil, it is just to show they are not in control of who they think they are. Every “illusion” is also a lesser type of possession but the quotation marks shall, in our discussion, help us to understand the strength in the “illusion”.

After a while it turns into compulsive obsession. The thought is permanently lodged as if it’s stuck there. It’s a bit like a broken record, it goes on and on and on.

Many people who, when their “illusion” gets tired or bored, move onto its next obsession and the cycle continues. This will continue until we have had enough of the pain it gives or we die. It’s plain to see as each reader here has experience of this in their own lives.

We usually see it in others which is interesting. It’s interesting that our “illusion” will never admit to having an obsession other than to play the part of the victim. Then it says that it was some past experience that was the fault of someone or something else.

This is where PSYCHEGNOSIS must be involved or any change will not be permanent. This is the case in a person who believes they are an alcoholic.

After realising they had an obsession with alcohol and drinking they then become obsessive about telling everyone so.

It is true they have given up one obsession but they have simply changed obsessions. They go to Alcoholic Anonymous meeting as much as five times a day.

This is where they reinforce the “illusion” by repeating these or similar words “MY NAME IS BILL - I’M AN ALCOHOLIC”. If you say you are something constantly guess what happens? Yes you become what you say!

Hopefully those who belong to the A.A do not take offence. There is no doubt that it was better to have given up the drinking obsession than remain a drunk. The thinking got you there and only by not thinking can anyone be released.”

To be Obsessive is to be under the influence or in most cases totally under the control of our Emotions. These Emotions are extremely powerful and have become our Stories.

The difficulty is in that we are not aware of why we are Obsessive and we just want to have Peace from what we feel is giving us constant torment. We want to be Free from the chaos of what we believe life is giving us.

This is where the Law of PSYCHEGNOSIS has an important if not pivotal role to play. Without understanding that our Emotions are <i>not who we are</i> life will continue to be a burden.

We therefore find solace in becoming enveloped in whatever takes away the feelings that our Story gives us. What we do not want is the pain that being connected to our Story gives us. It is indeed something that puts us between a rock and a hard place.

We are constantly pampering to our Story. We are constantly trying new methods or strategies to fight one Emotion with another. This fight takes us away from life. Life is the key.

Life is NOW. Life is not in the Past. Life is not in the Future. Life only exists in this very second where we can CREATE.

If it is not Creative it is non Creative. If it is non Creative it has to do with some past event or some Future event that has no cretiveness involved in it.

We are not our Story is the warning cry from this newspaper. We are not the Emotion that becomes our Story. We are not who we think we are is the important message for us ALL.

The Obsession of pandering to whatever Emotion comes into our minds will only cause further pain and chaos. The Obsessive behaviour will stop the moment we take on board the warning of this newspaper and become aware of who we are not.

“We usually see it in others which is interesting. It’s interesting that our “illusion” will never admit to having an obsession other than to play the part of the victim. Then it says that it was some past experience that was the fault of someone or something else.”

The above quotation is taken from the article and is worth taking careful note of. We can see Obsessiveness in others but not in ourselves. We see others blaming others but we do not see it in ourselves.

So today we should watch what others try to blame and become aware that we should not take part in the Obsession of having our story become who we are. Life in its fullness shall be the result.

The full force of who we are will enter every fibre of our Physical body and we shall see things as they really are - wonderful.

We shall leave us to ponder these words. There is wisdom in finding out we are not who we think we are. There is wisdom in realising that our Obsessions are just an avoidance of what IS. There is wisdom in being aware if who we are not. It is as it IS.

Tomorrow we have another trip down memory lane please join with us. Comments to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

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