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Are you HOOKED on Yourself? - is it all about -me, me, me?

“Are you HOOKED on Yourself? - is it all about -me, me, me?

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Category - Relationships

Are you HOOKED on Yourself?

Are you all about -me, me, me?

Exactly what has our pre-occupation with ourselves actually achieved?

What has trying to find out “who we really are” achieved?

The World around us tells us that our Happiness is based on how our situation is, and in the quest for material gain.

We have all heard the great modern day phrase - “he who dies with the most toys wins”.

It’s a tongue in cheek remark that bears an amazing Truth.

It makes out that we as Humans Believe Happiness lies in what we have around ourselves, materially.

A great teacher once said, that to find ourselves, we must first of all lose ourselves.

That wise person realized the un-happiness that surrounded everyone, and revealed to them this great Truth.

His name was Jesus Christ.

It was another way of teaching the great Truth that Psychegnosis News has brought to the World.

That Truth is to realise, “who we are not”.

To lose yourself means to become aware of whom “you are not”.

He realized the necessity to have Peace in their lives, he would have to get them to become aware that their “illusion” was not who they truly were.

That is why he was named “The Prince of Peace”.

This great message was taught by all Wise Men at various times in History but due to the powerful influences of our “illusion”, the message has been kept from almost all of mankind.

PSYCHEGNOSIS is the TRUTH of, “who we are not”.

The only way we can understand where we originate from, is by realising our way to PEACE.

To have Peace we must first be aware that our Thinking Mind got us to where we are.

Is just changing our Thought Vibration going to change our lives?

Are we only Happy, when things are going our way?

The way of PSYCHEGNOSIS is to be at PEACE, no matter the outcome.

This cannot and is not accepted by our Thinking Mind.

Our Thinking Mind always wants more.

Our Thinking Mind is never Happy.

Our Thinking Mind is NEVER AT PEACE.

So we must stop connecting “who we are”, to what our Thoughts are.

It is as simple as that.

Try it and feel the lightness in your very soul, as LIFE pours through you.

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