
Thursday, April 25, 2024


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Article 365 : Why Money and Power are what the Thinking Mind Worships? (Part 7)

Article 365 : Why Money and Power are what the Thinking Mind Worships?

The importance of understanding that we Human Beings are not who we think we are is explained in our series where we have introduced a new concept we have called Article 365.

Article 365 explains the following ; understanding the PSYCHE of man.

The real us is better understood when we look at how Mankind’s behaviour has brought Humanity to the edge of annihilation.

We are living in remarkable times when we can pass information from every corner of the globe in an instant.

This information has led us to bring about incredible advances in understanding the amazing diversity that exists between the cultures of Mankind.

There is an abundance of information explaining the way Mankind had created great and powerful nations that reached a certain peak and were eventually destroyed by their behaviour’s.

It will happen to the modern World also unless we address the problem and discover the reason each of these civilisations are no longer in existence.

We ask that we read the following Statement taken from our publication on Monday, April 20, 2009 and reprinted in this series.

We ask that for us ALL to expand our knowledge of “who we are not” that they are ALL printed along with today’s article.

We cannot express how important it is for each of our readers to find out for themselves if what this newspaper claims is truly a Law of the Universe.

Without further ado let us begin with our Statement taken from the article of Monday, April 20, 2009 which is in BOLD TYPE BELOW. :

“Mankind has floundered at all stages of development as thinking became part of who we were or more exact when we add thinking - who we thought we were.

They searched with the knowledge that was available to them.

At first early man connected themselves to the elements and nature itself.

They made gods of these things.

They worshipped the Sun and the moon and anything else they could connect there lives to.

Their information was through the limited knowledge they had. Quite simple really but True.

A perfectly understandable outcome. Even today this is the way we would have reacted in the same circumstance.

Their belief was limited by their experiences and their experiences were their thoughts.

As time went past wise men would come amongst them and tell them of deeper meanings than the elements and nature that had become their gods.

These wise men were disliked because they were taking the people away from the powers that had the money who existed at that time.

These men of power and influence knew that if the people stopped listening to them their income would be severely curtailed.

These men of power had no interest in Truth or Peace and so it continues today.

So the wise men would be shunned or killed by whatever society had a hold of the power. It was the way then as it is the way now.

Throughout the history of the world Truth and Peace were a pretended outcome of all men in power.

Power is corruptive.

Power cares for nothing.

Power is the killer of Peace.

Its interest is only in more power or holding onto power.

Good men in politics become corrupt when they get into power.

This is evident in all of history.

It will take an extremely wise man who can contain power and turn it into Peace.“

The only reason that past civilisations failed was because at the root of every one of them was they believed their Thinking Minds was the answer.

This belief system is engrained in the very cells of ALL Mankind and has destroyed and still is to this day the fabric of every individual and civilisation that has ever existed.

Our dependance on our Thinking Minds will eventually destroy the World we know if we do not take the steps advised by this newspaper.

We stress that we have the necessary information to bring about Peace needed for us to avoid the eternal cycle that has blighted All the great Civilisations that has existed.

Every Human Being who follows the Thinking Mind’s logic of more Power and more money will eventually bring about their own personal destruction.

This is where we who understand that we are not our Thinking Minds can opt out of the mayhem caused by this cancerous belief.

This cancerous belief of more Power and more material wealth bringing about personal happiness can only lead to our downfall both individually and as a species.

We ask that we see things as they are and avoid depending on the Thinking Mind to be our source of our belief in that we realise that by following what it dictates as being who we are is insanity.

Yes we say that by not understanding we are not our Thinking Mind it is actually insanity.

This insanity prevails and is as we said a cancer.

Even in our most avid of readers we are not Free from the great influence of our Thinking Minds.

We are looking within ourselves to satisfy our own self centred motives.

This is why it is difficult for us to hold onto the Peace promised by understanding and realising we are not our Thinking Mind.

Our Thinking Mind uses the information available and uses it to fulfill its own Story and cares little for what the real message is all about.

So when we look at why other civilisations are not in existence anymore we can avoid what caused them to be annihilated.

The quest for more Power and more material were what they really worshipped.

It is the the Thinking Minds solution and it can only leads to misery.

We finish todays investigation with this Question which we ask that we ALL consider :

Who do I worship and does it give me the Peace required to bring the change I need to be what I can BE?

The above Question is not about Religion or whether we believe in a God.

It is where do we depend on to get our beliefs from

. The answer to the Question will bring about the Peace we need to bring about the Peace we require instantly. It is as it “IS”.

We are having a special article explaining our 30 DAY HEALTH ADVENTURE tomorrow. It will go over the criteria for what is required to take part. We ask that those who have someone in their circle of freinds and loved ones with Health issues please read what is going to be said tomorrow. ALL comments please to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  Procrastination may be our next subject -you never know!

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