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Article 365 : The Truth is Light and the “illusion” can only Exist in Darkness. (part 3)

Article 365 : The Truth is Light and the “illusion” can only Exist in Darkness.

It is of the utmost importance to have our printouts from part 1 and 2 at the ready to be able to relate to our article today.

If we are reading this newspaper for the first time it will be very difficult to comprehend what we about to tell you.

We have introduced an important concept which we have called Article 365.

Article 365 will reveal what has prevented Mankind from finding Peace.

Article 365 is : understanding the PSYCHE of man..

When we came to this Earth we came from the Unseen World and entered the Seen or the Physical Domain.

Our Physical body is the vehicle we needed to travel within the Physical World.

We are only here in the Physical World for a very short period in comparison to how old we really are.

When we realise that we are not our Physical body we can begin to comprehend the incredible World we are living in.

This realisation cannot be understood by the Thinking Mind because the Thinking Mind only cares about what it can see or touch.

It lives in the Past and can only comprehend what experiences it has experienced.

When the Thinking Mind is faced with the Present moment it becomes uneasy.

When the Thinking Mind sees Truth it shrivels and dies because it cannot stand the Light of Truth which exists in what IS.

This newspaper has the information we require to bring the information required and we are not afraid of the Truth and shall continue to explain what the Unseen World means to each and everyone of us.

We do not fear the Light - we embrace it.

We shall explain more as we go along but for now let us look at the next Statement taken from our article published on June 14th 2009.

We again ask that we have part 1 and 2 printed so can see what Statement came before this one.

Let us have an open mind and Peace will flow through our whole nervous system as we read the Statement :

“The Physical World is made up of people and we are all living together in great diversity and this makes it a phenomenal place to be.

We are indeed part of a Heaven.

We have the freedom of choice to enjoy or not enjoy this Physical experiences that have become possible by uniting our Psyche with our Physical entity that make up our individuality which is our Ego.

Our Ego is perfect.

Our “illusion” is also perfect.

The last statement may confuse you but it is True.

The “illusion” is our emotions that we ALL have.

These emotions we call “illusions” have only become bad because we think they are who we are

When we understand these important Truths we become Free from what the World believes.

The Physical World and its knowledge was created by the understanding that we are our thinking minds.

The knowledge the World teaches will constantly try and control who we are by telling us to find ourselves in our emotional experiences.

This knowledge is not Reality it has no foundation whatsoever and is contrary to the overwhelming evidence that surrounds us.

It cannot be more plain - we are not our thinking minds.

It needs to be said again in no uncertain terms - we are not who we think we are.”.

The Headline we are using today is :The Truth is Light and the “illusion” can only Exist in Darkness.

This explains what it is like to see things as they ARE and not as we think they ARE.

When we see things actually take place as it happens it brings things into the Light.

The Light is the Present.

The Present is the only place that allows Creativity.

The Present overcomes the Darkness the Past brings.

The Present is as it IS.

The Past is as it WAS.

The fact is that the PAST or more specifically our focus on PAST events or Experiences has no Creativity therefore it cannot Create or bring new information from the Unseen World.

This is the Light we require.

An example is in that no new discoveries would ever be brought forth without the Creativity of the Present.

The World taught for centuries that the Earth was flat.

The established Religions of the day would Excommunicate anyone for Heresy if they taught anything other than the Earth being flat.

It prevented anything NEW coming forth from the Unseen World.

That one belief on the Earth being flat prevented Mankind from advancing forth on Scientific research and held back the amazing information that the Unseen World has to offer.

When the evidence of the World became clear Mankind was able to make the necessary steps to bring forth the information or the knowledge from the Unseen World.

The information or knowledge was always in the Unseen World but was held back by Past beliefs.

The following Questions arise :

1) Where in my life is Past events or Experiences preventing me from bringing forth the Light that the Unseen World has to offer?

2) What information am I holding onto from the PAST that is preventing the Light of the Present to enter my very soul?

3) What can I do, now that I know that the Darkness of the PAST is preventing the Light of the PRESENT from giving me the Peace that I require to be what I can BE?

4) When can I start to bring the Light into my Life and therefore remove the Darkness of PAST?

5) When shall I begin to take the information that I am not who I think I am and bring the Light of the PRESENT into my nervous system and Sub-conscious?

6) Do I realise that I am the Light that is the Unseen World?

Only each of us can answer the Questions that are quoted above.

Only each of us can say what we shall do to bring about Light in our lives.

Only each of individually can bring about the PEACE promised by understanding the Law of PSYCHEGNOSIS. It is as it IS.

We continue tomorrow with the next Statement from our article and we shall reveal more about ARTICLE 365.

We are starting our 30 Day HEALTH Adventure in early February 2010 and we ask that those who wish to participate write in asap to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

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