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Article 500+28- If we could only see ourselves as others see us, we would be amazed.

Article 500+28- If we could only see ourselves as others see us, we would be amazed.


Life is constantly changing from one state to another none more so than our Physical condition.

One moment we are a BABE IN ARMS and what seems no time at all we are holding a new born BABE.

Time in the Physical World involves constant change and for us to develop or reach our full potential we must go with the changes or Pain and confusion will be our end result.

Nations that refuse to accept change are alienated from the rest of Mankind.

Individuals that refuse to accept change are continually trying to keep “what was” instead of accepting what IS.

Every Nation and every individual that refuses to accept what IS shall bring upon themselves both Pain and Confusion.

The facts are that we cannot remain the same because others around us are not the same people they were yesterday.

The facts are that we are different people from what we were yesterday.

The facts are that our lives are not what they shall be tomorrow.

The fact is that by not going with the constant flow of change results in Insanity and ill health.

That is why we are not “who we think we are.”

Our thoughts are based on what has happened and not on what is happening.

Our thoughts are only stored information from previous EXPERIENCES and are for informational purposes only but if held as “who we are” they then are the cause of Pain and Confusion.

This acceptance of change does not appeal to the “illusion” because it loses control of what it believes.

We as Human Beings are incredible creatures because we can chose to change or we can chose not to change.

Animals in Nature just go with change.

We as Human Beings are different in that we can chose to remain where we are which is Insane.

That is why Religion has become something that will die if it does not change with what is hapening around them.

That is why Political movements are not in line with what is required to sustain change within the comnmunities and people that are constantly changing.

Our focus in our article today is on how we can become part of change and therefore not have Pain and Confusion .

The following Statement explains what we require to do to be part of ALL Nature

it is the second part of our re-published article first written in our March 2009 issue titled;“HYPOCRISY - THE FINAL FRONTIER”.

The following Statement gives us a better undersanding of what IS and not we think it is.

It is in BOLD TYPE below;

“Those who are and have been enlightened by wise men in days past and have been made aware of who they are not have not had their message passed on.

They tried to tell their devotees or disciple’s the message but it was diluted by them, and the TRUTH was lost.

The problem always lay in the fact that the “illusion’ within us all, wanted to hear - whats in it for me.

For example lets take this newspaper that we are reading at this time.

The Law of PSYCHEGNOSIS and the Psychegnosis News was introduced to ourselves through someone telling us about it.

We were told something that made us decide to read it.

We read about who we are not, in all of the articles, for it is, in ALL of the articles.

We like some of the articles because they can help us be happier.

They can help in our relationships.

They can help our life situation.

They can help us be better at being in the World.

The articles may even help us to be more positive and focused.

But let this newspaper explain an important TRUTH - NONE OF THOSE THINGS ARE THE MESSAGE OF PSYCHEGNOSIS - they are only a TESTIMONIAL towards finding out who we are not!

PSYCHEGNOSIS NEWS gives over all its articles to promoting one thing and one thing only - “WHO WE ARE NOT.“ -

This does not appeal to the “illusion” because it cannot exist unless it is recognised as reality.

If it is treated as who we are not then it cannot control us.

Lets see where Hypocrisy comes into our discussion.

Mankind has taken many great Philosophy’s as their guide in creating nations.

They include Islam, Christianity and others too numerous to mention.

They have all had a major impact on the running of the various Country’s.

The problem lies in the separateness, that these Philosophies give.

They instill that if anyone lives differently they are wrong or even evil.

They teach that its OK to love those who live like we do at the same time hate those who do not live the same way.

We teach our soldiers to be as one, but also teach them to kill to uphold what we believe in.

It is the same with PSYCHEGNOSIS and the teaching of “who we are not”.

We shall discuss why?

When we get better at being happy for example - our Relationship has been bad for years both on a Romantic and Personal basis .

We read an article about our so called problem, then another and so on.

We say that’s great and we convince all concerned around us and we are happy.

Then we leave it.

Then the problems re-appears - and it will.

We then go back for more information to put things back in control.

This can go on for how ever long we need to.

It illuminates and strengthens what?

Who gets the attention?

What are we making happy?

These are the question’s that have to be asked.

There is only one answer.

All the Religious teachings or Self help programmes in the World cannot help us find ourselves.

The reason is that “we” cannot be found in our thoughts.

“We” cannot be found in our minds.

“We” cannot be found in “who we think we are.“

It’s impossible.

This is where the “illusion” can be found to use the knowledge of “who we are not” for its own ends.

It will proclaim all these things but at the same time behave EXTREMELY BADLY WHEN THINGS ARE NOT GOING OUR WAY.

What this means is that WE PROFESS THIS BELIEF when things are going well or in our control.

Then when it’s not we return to where we were.




We cannot say we love one person and show disrespect for another.”end of second statement.

HYPOCRISY is evident everywhere we look.

Our “illusion” cannot see HYPOCRISY in its own behaviour but can see it in others behaviour.

That is why HYPOCRISY is an important part of the “illusion"and its existence.

HYPOCRISY is Insanity.

Insanity is when we are not aware of our behaviour as being INSANE. It is as it IS.

More tomorrow on HYPOCRISY. comments to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

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