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Article 500+56- The TRUE way of COMMUNICATION is VIBRATION.

“Article 500+56- The TRUE way of COMMUNICATION is VIBRATION.”

Before Mankind learned to use words to communicate we as Human Beings would use only Vibration.

We used Vibration to show how we felt towards one another.

Speaking is also Vibration.

Whenever we speak we use words to relate how we feel or Vibrate inside ourselves.

When we entered the Physical World we only understood Vibrations as words or language had not yet been instilled within our Psyche or Sub-conscious.

Science has proven that we learn more in our formative years than we learn in the next twenty years of our lives.

It is because we had an open mind to what LIFE had to offer us.

There is a rapid slowdown after we develop a language.

That is because we have been BRAINWASHED into certain behaviours as words were converted into “who we think we are.”

Our parents constantly remind us that we are good or bad depending on what we do.

We are given a name which we are told is “who we are.”

It is “who we are” here in the Physical World but it is not “who we TRULY are.”

“Who we TRULY are” becomes lost in “who we are told we are.”

We are told and taught that “we are our name” and this “illusion” then takes over from “who we TRULY are” and is lost or forgotten perhaps for the rest of our lives.

The importance of believing we are the title we were given is constantly changing as we develop from Babes in arms to when we become fully developed adults.

We are ALL the different stages of our development but none of them is “who we TRULY were” that entered our bodies at birth.

The connection we have with each stage in our development has blinded us to “who we TRULY are”.

That is why the Law of PSYCHEGNOSIS is so important and why we must come to the understanding that we are “not who we think we are.”

That does not mean we should give up our name or our identity while we are here in the Physical World, it simply allows us to be aware, that our Vibration is not “who we TRULY are” but is part of our communication between “who we TRULY are” and the Physical Domain.

We are taught to Judge very early on in our Physical development.

To Judge everything is accepted into our Sub-conscious as being normal.

We cannot help Judging because our Psyche has total control.

Our previous article from February 2009 which is re-published in ARTICLE 500+55 titled;“Judging - A useless preoccupation.” helps to understands that Judging is extremely damaging and a major barrier in preventing our TRUE SELF to develop its full potential.

It would be wise to review ARTICLE 500+55 in its entirety before commencing with the first of our Statements taken from that publication.

Here it is in BOLD TYPE below;

“Judging - A useless preoccupation

Monday, February 16, 2009

Category - Relationships

A useless preoccupation determines the topic today.

The “illusion” feeds on negativity and Judging is its main food.

These judgments are but small decisions that are made about everything and all things that are encountered in life.

They are Judgments made solely on what they can see with their eyes or what is stored in their sub-conscious.

They constantly change depending on the circumstances they are in.

If it’s the weather they will say it’s too wet it’s too cold it’s too hot it’s too dark it’s too sunny it’s too dry or even too nice and claim that’s why they are not happy.

Then further proclaim that until it stops being what it is they will not be happy.

Guess what, they are never happy.

The Judging person never achieves anything other than fear or resentment.

It elevates no-one and certainly alienates the person who perpetrates the Judgment.

Unfortunately the person who Judges is also a great justifier of the actions he does.

Even if he is correct in his Judging he is not listened to.

When we as humans first inherited this beautiful world we communicated by vibration.

Our senses were much more sensitive to smell, hearing, touch and sight - all of these combined gave vibrational output.

Ever since our thoughts became the process for communicating these senses became less effective.

What did not change was our ability to feel vibration and that is what we feel when we are being Judged.

The words mean nothing because we “hear” the vibration.

Anyone connected with a Judging person will tell you this.

We are dominated by our thoughts and they portray constant Judging.

It is the “illusions” way of giving itself strength.

We live in a world which is obsessed with Judging, one example is in how we dress or how we look.

So for us to have peace Judging must be taken from the scenes in our lives.” end of first Statement.

To appreciate the significance of the danger of Judging everything and everybody we must put into practise Observance.

When we Observe our actions and behaviours they suddenly lose their power over us.

We begin to see how insane Judging actually is.

We then are on our way to what the wise men in days bygone would have said - “to the promised land.”

A land where our thoughts are not the Judge and Jury.

A land where we have total acceptance of what IS and not what we think it is.

A land that reveals the beauty of life and the great diversity that it has within its incredible workings.

A land that is REAL and not part of an “illusion” that we were taught was “who we were.”

Welcome to the REAL World.

Those who understand will understand.

We are FREE. It is as it IS.

More tomorrow on the dangers of Judging. comments to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

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