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Article 500 +43 - Every time we RELATE “who we are” to our “STORY” we become more IMPRISONED.

Article 500 +43 - Every time we RELATE “who we are” to our “STORY,” we become more IMPRISONED.


Do not think that those of us who have never been imprisoned in a PHYSICAL JAIL is any different from a person who has been incarcerated.

Every Human Being is incarcerated if they are connecting “who they are” to their version of what LIFE “IS”.

The word “incarcerated” is an interesting word.

Here is the Dictionary definition; “in·car·cer·ate “1. To put into jail. 2. To shut in; confine.”

To be confined or shut in something or anything, confines and limits our potential to become or fullfill our full potential..

Therefore anything that does not allow total FREEDOM is a type of “incarceration”.

The FREEDOM we talk about is not just freedom from PHYSICAL IMPRISONMENT but something that is much more important to be FREE from - Our “STORY”.

Until EVERY Human Being becomes aware that their “STORY” is the problem there is never going to be any kind of permanent Solution to any issues concerning Mankind.

That is why we advise every GOVERNMENT to take note of our message concerning PRISON and how we must understand that we cannot continue to follow existing strategies.

That is why we advise every Human Being to take note of our message and become FREE from our self made incarceration.

We cannot express how the messages that are presented each day in this newspaper the Psychegnosis News can FREE us from the non-sense we believe we are.

Mankind is connected to a “STORY” of one kind or another as being “who they are”.

Let us look at our first Statement taken from our February 2009 article titled;“WHY DO PRISONERS CONSTANTLY RE-OFFEND AND END UP BACK IN PRISON?“

For those wishing to be FREE we ask that we open up our hearts and minds to what is being revealed within the following Statement for within it is great WISDOM.

It is in BOLD TYPE below;

“Prison - what makes someone keep ending up back inside?“

Our prisons are full to capacity everywhere in the world.

The only Solution that the world offers is - build more prisons.

The most baffling issue is why does someone re-offend, on a regular basis.

It has become expected both by the prison authorities and the offender, the chance of ending up back inside, is extremely high.

The punishment can be tough.

It can be understanding.

It can be a long sentence.

The best available psychological help is available.

For a lot of prisoners it just does not work.

Why is this?

We shall discuss two kinds of offenders today, the one who decides never to be back, but does, and the one who does intend to return.

First and foremost most if not all people who leave prison do not intend returning.

While they are in prison they want to be free.

That is their constant thought.

They feel sorry for themselves.

They realise the pain they have given to the victims of their crime.

The trauma their friends and family are going through.

So while they are inside they have no intentions of re-offending.

But they do.


We shall give the Reason and the Solution later.

The second kind of re-offender decides that he belongs in prison.

The world answers that they are just plain bad.

This is not true.

We shall discuss the permanent Solution.

Every person that exists on this earth has a “STORY”.

Their “STORY” may be sad.

It may be a happy “STORY”.

It can involve both outcomes.

The fact is that we all carry a “STORY”.

This is the fundamental problem with all people including those in prison.

Our “STORY” is the problem.

We constantly connect “who we are” to our “STORY”.

The more we tell the “STORY” the more we believe it to be us.

As our “STORY” unfolds, we act it out.

The answer to all human successes and failures lies in what “STORY”, we believe is us.

This belief is the problem.

The “STORY” either has to change or we shall continue to act it out.

It’s as simple as that.

That includes all of mankind, not just those in prison.

The “STORY” we tell ourselves is the outcome of our lives.

Once we realise this, our world is easily changed.” end of first Statement.

Please take what is written within the above Statement and ask ourselves the following Question.

Before doing so we ask that as we look at ourselves in the mirror so that we can have an instant awareness of how we have been “incarcerated.”

Here is the Question; “Why do I not SEE things as they are and why do I continue to bring about a constant round of unhappiness to everything I do?”

Those who are connected to their Thinking Minds will not even take the above Question seriously in any way - it is not their fault.

Those who are ready to be FREE from their self made “incarceration” will feel instant PEACE.

The key is now in ALL of our hands if we chose to use it. It is as it IS.

Second STATEMENT from our FEBRUARY 2009 article is our focus tomorrow. Comments to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

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