
Wednesday, April 24, 2024


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ARTICLE 500; PEACE is CONSTANT and is “who we are”! (51)

ARTICLE 500; PEACE is CONSTANT and is “who we are”! (51)

Peace is non-vibrational and as well as giving us complete freedom from Vibration it is also STILLNESS.

Vibration exists as a communication between the SEEN (Physical) and the UNSEEN Worlds.

Vibration relates to a coming alive or a birth from one STATE to another STATE.

This Vibration is an ENTITY in its own right.

It makes up everything that exists in the SEEN World including the plants, insects and the many other MANIFESTATIONS that make up this incredible Planet we live on.

Withour Vibration there would be nothing.

Vibration is constantly changing from a birth to a journey which never ends but is simply a new birth into another STATE.

We are as HUMAN BEINGS a Vibration.

We begin as SEED and continue from a SEED that changes into PHYSICAL body that becomes “who we are” as individuals.

This is the same fror ALL of the Physical MANIFESTATIONS that exist.

The ELEMENTS that make up our HUMAN BODY are processed in a never ending cycle that becomes part of ALL that exists or has ever existed and will be part of our future existence.

Every part that makes up the SEEN World is who we are and should be honored by what is the most important part of CREATION which is the HUMAN RACE.

That is why we must be in complete HARMONY with ALL of CREATION.

Our third and final Statement taken from our December publication titled; “The “illusion”, Ego and Peace - the connection.“ takes us to PEACE and what PEACE is.

Do not misunderstand the importance of understanding each of these vital ingredients that make up “who we are.”

We spoke of the “illusion” and the “EGO” 48,49 and 50 publications and it would be wisdom indeed to review them before commencing.

To fully realise their signifigance it would be wise to read them before commencing with todays Revelations.

it is in BOLD TYPE below;

“The search for peace.

What exactly is peace?

Peace would be impossible unless we understand the vital ingredients of “illusion” and Ego.

The Ego learns from the “illusion” which is vibration.

Vibration is not peace.

The reason that all the great prophets and wise people that have lived on the earth called it PEACE was exactly as it says it is - PEACE.

Peace is non-vibrational.

It is stillness.

It is freedom from vibration.

Peace accepts all things as they are.

It has no happiness or love or hate emotions.

It is the ultimate state we can attain.

Love or hate is an emotion.

They are the same.

When we understand that they are emotions that turn into experiences felt through the Ego, we shall attain peace.

It is exciting to have the Law of PSYCHEGNOSIS to explain the importance of who we are not.

Let us all look forward to the emotions that are our “illusions” and live in peace.

Peace is absolute Synchronicity.

The above explanation is a very short version of “illusion”, Ego and Peace - the connection. We shall discuss it in more depth in the near future.“end of article.

What is obvious is that PEACE is not the “illusion” but is the “illusion”

What is obvious is that PEACE is not our “EGO” but is at the same time is our “EGO.”

This may seem confusing but when read in conjunction with the previous publications within this newspaper the Psychegnosis News it becomes clear that what s written is indeed what we say it is.

The facts are that we start our EXISTENCE in the Unseen World which is non Vibrational and end our EXISTENCE by returning to the UNSEEN World.

We take on our “illusion” which is Vibrational.

We became our “EGO” in the unseen which is our individual character and then took on the Human Body we SEE in the mirror.

Without PEACE we would not EXIST because everything that EXISTS requires PEACE because it begins its EXISTENCE within the Unseen World.

Peace is who we TRULY are. It is as it IS.

There are much more to what PEACE is and we shall be looking at them over the next few weeks as we continue our investigation into who we are not and “ARTICLE 500”. comments to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Those who understand will understand.

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