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ARTICLE 500; The MOTIVE of our THINKING MIND is NOT from the UNSEEN! (36)

ARTICLE 500; The MOTIVE of our THINKING MIND is NOT from the UNSEEN! (36)

Who do we serve, ourselves or those we profess to Love and care for?

Let it be understood that we are not from the Physical World.

Let no-one who reads what this newspaper the Psychegnosis News have any doubts about where our TRUE self originates from.

Let us bring about Real Peace within our very souls by realising we are not who we think we are.

Let everyone who uses and abuses their fellow men to receive gain and prestige stop and see the real reasons for their behaviour.

There is in the Physical World those people who are so connected to their Thinking Minds and their Story that they cannot see that they use and abuse their fellow men.

The more power the “Thinking Minded” have over someone the more corrupt they become.

This applies in Family situations as well as in work related situations and in Government and Religion.

The more power the “Thinking Minded” has the more they use and abuse.

Here are some of the many behavioural traits used by the “Thinking Minded”;

1) They will be nice when they want something and be cold and unattached to that same person when they see that they have no use for them.

2) They will expect others to do what they themselves would not do.

3) They profess that others must follow a particular line of ethics and at the same time behave in the opposite manner when it pertains to them.

4) Their attitude is constantly changing from one moment to the next depending on the circumstances especially if it can continue to control those in their POWER.

5) They show only a passing interest in others and only so they can gain information to continue to use and abuse those who are they wish to control.

ALL of the above TRAITS are part of those who are totally controlled by who they think they are.

They carry with them MULTIPLE PERSONALITIES.

The more they USE and ABUSE their fellow men the more PERSONALITIES they have.


They carry with them a Vibration.

This Vibration is a Vibration that others can see.

This is our topic today as we look at our first Statement taken from our article first written on February of 2009 and republished from yesterday’s article.

We ask that as we read the following we ask ourselves the following Question;

“Do I realise that others can SEE my constant mood changes and that I am only interested in what I can gain from them and that my motives are seen for what they are”?

If we are aware of the above we are beginning to see that we are not who we think we are.

Every Human Being has these TRAITS in some degree or another.

No one is exempt.

The more Power we have the more we abuse that power.

Let us ALL comprehend that by serving our fellow man we are only serving our TRUE BEING.

The first Statement is in BOLD TYPE below;

“Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Category - Traditions

Are you so Heavenly minded, you are no earthly use?

This article can be misunderstood.

It is no blight upon anyone.

It simply a statement about what can make us more aware.

Being Heavenly minded is good. It gives a sense of self worth.

The results are, that we are usually less materially minded.

The plus points are many.

But what we would like to point out are the down sides of being Heavenly minded.

It is solely so that we can observe perhaps, where we might be of no EARTHLY USE.

Exactly what does that mean?

For all the right reasons, we may behave as if we we are pure and above reproach.

The issue is do we serve our fellow men?

Or do we serve “who we think we are?“


Is it elevating you, or does it elevate the person you are helping?

Does it make you feel superior?

Do you feel that you are better than they are?

Do you judge others?

Do you defend yourself when questioned about your motives?

Do you take credit for other people’s work and give the blame to the same people, when things go wrong?

Do you believe that others are damned to hell, or will not make it to heaven, because they do not have the same values as you?

Perhaps if we all observe ourselves more as PSYCHEGNOSIS teaches , the world we live in may be different from what we think it is?

The “illusion” is at work if we behave in any of the ways mentioned.

Do not keep pretending to be - WHO YOU ARE NOT.

The vibration you carry will expose “who you really are.”

Start today by realising this one important truth “we are not our thoughts”. end of first Statement.

In “ARTICLE 500” we have ALL the information required to bring about Peace.

All of the + parts ( at the time of writing we have 36) explain in detail what this important publication is about.

We have gone over HYPOCRISY, BRAINWASHING and other BARRIERS to having Peace,

The insanity of MULTIPLE PERSONALITIES will be our next investigation and the need to understand that we need to be FREE from who we think we are.

We are not afraid of the Truth and shall continue to uncover the many ways Mankind deludes itself by connecting themselves to their Thinking Minds. It is as it IS.

More tomorrow on MULTIPLE PERSONALITIES. We are starting our new 30 DAY ADVENTURE soon and it will focus on gaining a new IDENTITY which will be LIFE changing beyond our wildest expectations. Do not be afraid or delay in signing up for this incredible 30 DAY ADVENTURE. Comments to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

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