
Thursday, April 18, 2024


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Bigot and Racist ; Peace is not possible if we continue to follow our Emotions.

“Bigot and Racist ; Peace is not possible if we continue to follow our Emotions”.

Peace has alluded Mankind since time began.

Why is this the case?

Why do we continue to excel in so many avenues in Life and at the same time not have Peace?

Why do we in our quiet moments when we are FREE from our thoughts have Peace?

Why do we continue to look towards material reward for satisfaction when it ony leads to being confused and having pain.?

Why do we not see that our constant need for others to Love or like us is never satiisfied?

Why do we judge our fellow Human Beings all the time?

Why do we not begin to OBSERVE our behaviours and bring reality to our nervous systems?

Why are we not aware of the damage we are causing our Physical bodies and minds by our incessant desire in delving into our Past experiences to find out “who we are”?

Why do we accept that we not happy all of the time?

Why do we not see the evidence everywhere we look that Mankind is heading towards complete annihilation if they do not change their outlook towards each other?

Why do we constantly make the same mistakes over and over again?

ALL of the above Questions are extremely important and the answer to every one of them is obvious.

Each of them is connected to who we think we are and have only one answer that will give us the Peace that is required to prevent further confusion and pain in the Physical World we are part of.

When we understand how the Physical domain operates we can then begin to see the INSANITY of not being in complete HARMONY with ALL that is in existence.

It is because we are not in HARMONY with ALL that exists that we cannot see our INSANE behaviours that keep us from having Peace.

Let us take a look at our final Statement taken from our May 2009 publication titled; “Who exactly is your Choirmaster?“ where we have vital information which will explain how our body is a storage centre.

It is in BOLD TYPE below;’

“We can overcome the mind by understanding the process of how it works.

We can also give the mind its proper role in the workings of our bodies.

The mind is an amazing communicative system and plays a vital part in our lives.

It can pass information and store information.

It does a fantastic job being part of our Physical body.

This is the role it was designed to do.

Nothing else nothing more.

It was NOT designed to be the Choirmaster.

It was not created to run our lives - it is only the information holder and communicative tool that helps to run our complicated systems.

The reason we give it the part as the Choirmaster is because we believe the mind is “who we are.”

The importance of the last statement cannot be emphasised enough so we shall repeat it - the reason we allow it to play the part of Choirmaster is because we believe the mind is “who we are.”

Please understand that when we realise this important statement we can have our Physical and Mental health back onto the road to recovery.

It is instant.

The Process of Life immediately enters in.

It takes the reigns and runs the SHOW once more just as nature intended.

The Freedom we feel is a Freedom that is unexplainable in words.

This is a promise.

We at Psychegnosis News ask that you put this into practise starting right now and - allow the True Choirmaster to regain control.

We desire all to have the best Health both Physically and Mentally by realising our minds and therefore our thoughts are “not who we are”.

It is as it IS.“End of article.

We at Psychegnosis News would like to ask that we put the Law of PSYCHEGNOSIS to the test for 30 days.

We ask that you read our articles (which will take about 5 minutes per day) for 30 consecutive days and follow the instructions and advice that s within these publications.

Our promise is that you will discover Peace which will overcome every issue or problem you believe you have.

This is no idle promise.

We desire ALL of those who read these words to have the Peace that the World cannot understand.

If we read with an open heart and mind we promise that your life will change forever.

Put it to the test. It is as it IS.

Our quest for Peace will continue tomorrow. comments to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

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