
Wednesday, May 01, 2024


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Do you use people, to get what you want?

Do you use people, to get what you want?

Do you use circumstances, to achieve your goals?

Do you take advantage of your fellow human beings, to satisfy “who you think you are”?

If you do - it cannot last.

It is impossible to be ever satisfied, as the “illusion” always requires more.

The reason it always wants more, is that the nature of man only works when we give - NOT TAKE - from our fellow human beings.

The purpose of BEING is, that it must blend or be in perfect Harmony with all that IS.

The importance of the human species is that we cannot be out of HARMONY, or it leads to emotional pain, and eventually a confused state.

This then, results in death.

Not a physical death, but a more extreme death.

A withdrawal of the light of PEACE.

This is when it becomes a nightmare for them.

Peace is not possible, under those circumstances.

The mind plays on this by, telling ourselves, that one day, that they will also be “used”.

So they do not sleep.

They lose friends.

They get ill by thinking, thinking, and more thinking.

It leads to dementia.

It leads to bad blood pressure.

It leads to paranoia.

The list is endless for the person who uses others for personal gain.

Eventually what they have, becomes a mental prison.

The peace of being a giver is beyond the worlds understanding.

It goes beyond all that we can ever hope for.

PSYCHEGNOSIS gives Harmony.

PSYCHEGNOSIS teaches that we shall be free when we give freely.

That is the beauty of the wonderful earth that we live in.

We get exactly the life we deserve.

No less or no more.

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