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Effort is useless - Acceptance is ALL we should be asking for, not how we want it to be!

Effort is useless - Acceptance is ALL we should be asking for, not how we want it to be!

We are writing at this time about something that the Physical world we dwell on gives great credence to. That something is - EFFORT.

It is one of the shackles that the Thinking Minded people of this World use to keep everyone under their control.

Effort is what those who are connected to their Thinking minds say is required to get what you want.

The problem is that it gives the impression that we are indeed changing events OUTWITH in the Physical World.

Of course we have to do some form of action or we would die. This is not the EFFORT we are talking about.

The importance of realising that we CANNOT change what is meant to BE in the grand scheme of things is the EFFORT we are relating to.

Let us go over the scenario given in our March 13th article once more so that we can understand better the danger that EFFORT causes.

Below in BOLD TYPE are two people one a Grandmother another a Granddaughter.

Both are sincere in their points of view.

Both are certain that their God will answer their requests.

Both are asking for the OPPOSITE of what the other wishes to BE.

Both of the requests cannot be answered.

The only way is for EACH OF THEM to be acceptant of what will BE because each of them are only bringing pain into their lives and are only using their Thinking Minds to get what they think is fair.

They are not at fault.

When we do not understand that we are not our Emotions we are certain that we are right.

When we do not understand that LIFE and DEATH and ALL parts in-between are part of what the Physical World is ALL about then we bring pain and confusion to our bodies and minds therefore upsetting our nervous systems and ultimately bring upon ourselves early DEATH or complete INSANITY.

Let us now go over the two prayers that the Grandmother and Granddaughter asked in great sincerity.

Below in BOLD TYPE is the prayers they both requested;

”“Friday, March 13, 2009

Category - Relationships

Effort is useless - without acceptance, is our review today.

When we use effort we believe the more we use it the better the result.

This is not TRUE, in fact the opposite is more in line.

EFFORT usually is connected with changing what already exists.

What already exists is something that can only be changed if everything else is in the right position for change.

An example of this is in the case of two people praying.

One is the Granddaughter praying her Grandmother will live through her illness.

The Grandmother on the other line ( for want of a better word, Editor) praying that she is taken from the earth to be with her loving husband of 50yrs.

This is the effort that is our topic today.

Both prayers desire a different result.

Both are sincere in their EFFORT to get the result THEY want.

Both cannot be happy. Both feel that the best thing to happen is for their prayer to be answered. “

What they asked for was an impossible task for them both to be happy.

Both were unhappy at what WAS.

Both believed that God would give them what they were requesting.

Both were not ACCEPTANT of what WAS therefore they would never be happy with would happen.

That is why we must not use EFFORT to try and understand what the UNSEEN WORLD has in store for us in this life.

The reason we FALL OUT with the Unseen World is because OUR THINKING MINDS believe that the Unseen World is out of step with what IS.

The Thinking Mind actually accuses the Unseen World as being bad.

The Thinking Mind believes that the Unseen World is not fair when it goes against what the Thinking Mind believes should BE.

The Thinking Mind CANNOT understand what the Unseen World has on offer because it believes it is right simply because it believes what it feels is right.

That is why people GO INSANE.

That is why they resort to medication to try and quell their Emotional upset at what is happening around them.

That is why they are full of resentment.

That is why they are living in what happened in a PAST event in their lives.

That is why they are DEAD - in the sense of not being ALIVE because they are not living in the PRESENT.

In the PRESENT is the only place where LIFE IS.

In the PRESENT the PAST events in our lives have no power.

In the PRESENT both the Grandmother and the Granddaughter would have found the Peace that the Thinking Mind coud not comprehend.

In the PRESENT they would have understood that their lives are not to be wished away or kept forever.

In the PRESENT they BOTH would have prayed for acceptance of what would BE.

That the futility of EFFORT was and is the cause of ALL ills and problems that beset Mankind.

Any EFFORT to change what is not meant to BE, is Insanity of the highest degree (A wee bit of POETRY. editor). It is as it IS.

We are only touching on a small part of what our subject matter is about. Therefore we shall be discussing more tomorrow on EFFORT. comments please to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

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