
Friday, April 26, 2024


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How can PSYCHEGNOSIS save Hospitals time and money?

How can PSYCHEGNOSIS save Hospitals time and money?

If the World does not do something soon it will collapse under the strain, financially.

This Epidemic of illness is not physical.

It is based on THOUGHT.

Thinking is causing our bodily systems to believe they are ill.

The treatment rooms are full to capacity, with people all over the world thinking themselves to death.

We all can relate to someone we know that falls into that scenario.

They talk constantly about how bad they feel.

They believe every word of their “STORY”, that they repeat over and over again.

In actual fact, they are not to blame.

They have been taken over by, “who they believe they are” .

From an early age they have been taught that how they felt was, who they were.

What is the solution?

How much longer can this go on, before we take constructive action?

PSYCHEGNOSIS is at this moment looking to train within hospitals and other institutions.

The position is dire, and until now, there was no solution.

There is a 100% GUARANTEE from this newspaper that by UNDERSTANDING the LAW of PSYCHEGNOSIS, that a SOLUTION for ALL of MANKIND.

After all, everything else has had very little impact.

It is costing more and more everywhere in the world.

Help spread the word about PSYCHEGNOSIS.

Continue to read the daily reports and talk to others about them.

Let us, the readers, do something that will revolutionise our Health Systems.

If any of our readers can help arrange a meeting within any hospitals or clinics, please email the newspaper.

We are proactive in overcoming this issue.

Every one reading this article (maybe, themselves?) has a friend or relative who needs this life saving Universal Law.

The change is instant, once it is put it into practise.

The change is also permanent, and not just a quick fix.

It needs us all to spread the word.

Together, we can change the World.

It has been said in times past - If we change our thinking, the World will change.

What is more TRUE is that if we can experience, then share the benefits of how “not to think”, EVERY HUMAN BEING can INSTANTLY have PEACE!.


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