
Thursday, April 25, 2024


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The Trial of PSYCHEGNOSIS - Q & A’s: Brainwashing to treat Brainwashing is Insanity. (Day 8)

The Trial of PSYCHEGNOSIS - Q & A’s: Brainwashing to treat Brainwashing is Insanity.

The Trial of PSYCHEGNOSIS has been an intriguing affair for those readers who have been following the evidence in the daily articles.

We at Psychegnosis News have nothing to fear, and ask that ALL readers print off this article and keep it along with the previous 7 days.

This trial will prove to ALL Mankind that PSYCHEGNOSIS is a True Law of the Universe.

We are not afraid of the Truth - we embrace it.

We are looking at the Questions & Answers that have been published in Psychegnosis News and we are presenting them as material evidence.

The reason for our investigation at this stage of the trial is to find out if PSYCHEGNOSIS is a Brainwashing process.

We can ALL decide for ourselves after we present our evidence over the 30 days of the Trial.

Today we review and explain another Question that was answered a few months ago in our newspaper.

It reads as follows :


This is probably the most important reason for PSYCHEGNOSIS, and the reporting of why it’s essential and relevant to the transition in finding out, “who we are not”.

All self help programmes are trying to fix the very “illusion” that we believe we are.

This in itself is why self help or motivation does not last, as the “illusion” only becomes stronger or smarter.

Many people feel inadequate, as they cannot reach the heights of those who give these presentations.

Self help books also continue to strengthen who we believe we are, but again due to the “illusion’s” never ending need for more, this leads to greater emotional pain.

PSYCHEGNOSIS is the link that will give you peace.

It will take away the cause of your pain.

That pain is who we think we are.”

This Question is a good Question in that it asks a reasonable Question about a commonly held belief that motivation and Positive Thinking, is a remedy for ALL disorders that affect Mankind.

This process is taught in every book and in every Educational establishment that exists in the World.

We say that this is a fatal error.

That not only do we say that Positive Thinking is wrong, we declare it is dangerous.

We declare that the mind is not “who we are”, unlike ALL of Mankind, who declare that we are our minds.

We say that using Positive Thinking is just covering over one insane Emotion with another.

It is an “illusion” that is mistaken for what it is not.

It is not Motivation that is the problem because Motivation is necessary as is ALL other Emotions.

It is the connection of being happy or at Peace as being how we feel that makes it harmful.

The facts are that if we believe we can have long term happiness by feeding one Brainwashing technique with another Brainwashing technique. it will lead to nothing but pain and disillusionment.

We actually declare that our dependency on Positive Thinking not only damages us mentally by giving false hope it is a major cause of illness and disease in the Physical body.

Quite frankly it is a poison that we think is a magic potion.

It is similar to depending on drugs or alcohol in that it lies to us by telling us that we require it to enjoy life.

It is another tool of the “illusion” to keep us away from what is the source of True Joy and Happiness and only leads to more pain.

PEACE or TRUTH cannot be found in Positive thinking because Peace is - not an Emotion.

The above statement must be repeated because we as Human beings must understand that we are playing with fire when we depend on Positive Thinking to give us Peace.

Here is our statement once more, and we make no apology for it : PEACE or TRUTH cannot be found in Positive Thinking because - PEACE AND TRUTH ARE NOT AN EMOTION.

The above statement cannot be said enough because the Thinking Mind has been told to believe that by Positive Thinking and drugs as well as other stimulants that make us feel good - are what we should rely on for being at Peace.

They only work for as long as they work.

No longer or no less.

Dependency on Positive Thinking is just Brainwashing ourselves with an Emotion that has previously BRAINWASHED us.

We ask that we accept this in our lives now and we shall have instant PEACE. It is as it IS.

The Trial continues tomorrow with the third Question and the answer given at the time. We shall discuss further whether PSYCHEGNOSIS is BRAINWASHING or not. There is still loads of EVIDENCE which will be revealed. We advise ALL to print and keep this information. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) ALLquestions and comments are replied to.

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