
Wednesday, May 08, 2024


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Miracles and Psychegnosis - The Miracle of Life. (part 1)

Miracles and Psychegnosis - The Miracle of Life.

We have decided to put our articles on Procrastination on hold for NOW.

The series on Miracles begins with the greatest Miracle of all - LIFE.

Without Life there would be nothing in existence.

The Physical World is an amazing Synchronised amalgamation of incredible workings that reveal the source of our beginnings here on our beautiful Planet and all the Universe that exists around us.

We are truly fortunate to take part in the process of creation and have the massive benefit of having a body to fulfill the measure of our creation.

Our series on Miracles could not have a better beginning than to start with the miracle of Life itself.


We as Human Beings are the most intelligent of ALL of Creation.

We have access to choose our path in Life and partake of ALL that the Physical World has to offer.

We are above the animals because they act mainly on instinct, whereas, we have the choice to be whatever we desire

The Physical World has a beginning and an end, as well as a birth and a death.

This is the way of the Physical World and we are ALL part of it.

If we do not accept the fact that we develop from birth to the grave and are constantly changing, we are out of balance with ALL that IS.

To be out of balance with ALL that IS, builds a barrier between Life and our Physical body.

This is the cause of illness and confusion.

Being out of Synchronicity with Nature causes us to miss out on the Miracle that we call LIFE.

The Life force that gives us the Syncronicity necessary to reach our full potential and the measure of our Creation only exists in the present moment.

The Life force of the Physical World is available for Free to ALL Human Beings that are on the Earth and favours no man above another.

This is the Miracle of Life, it has no favourites other than those who choose to be part of its amazing set-up.

The Life force is available to ALL who choose not to dwell on past or future events.

These two time intervals have either as in the case of the past had its time and can no longer be creative, other than for reflection and a source of information.

As for the Future, our dwelling on this has no Life force or Creative force, because it has not come into existence yet.

The beauty of Life is that it is Creative, that is why the world is explained by the words - “ALL OF CREATION”.

PSYCHEGNOSIS has revealed that we are not “who we think we are”, that is the key to being part of the creative force.

The power of Life exists while we are in the state of being where we are, rather than where we were, or where we are going to be, or where we have been.

This Miracle we are ALL taking part in, is only to be appreciated if we are where we are, and not focusing our minds on - things that have no Life force.

We at Psychegnosis News are humbled to be able to bring this vital information to the World, and ask that from this time forth we live Life and acccept it into our World - NOW.

The past will not like it, and the future thoughts will try and confuse the issue, but the Creative moment will help us see Life and the Miracle it holds for us - its most important of ALL Creations.

Those who understand will understand, BUT those who choose to be their Thinking Mind - they will never understand. It is as it “IS”.

Our 30 day LIFE changing programme starts after our 10th article in this series. We ask that ALL who have not registered please do so. It is FREE. Also our youtube video is available just type PSYCHEGNOSIS in the search engine of youtube.>

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