
Wednesday, April 24, 2024


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Miracles and Psychegnosis - the Miracle of Synchronicity in Nature (Part 4)

Miracles and Psychegnosis - the Miracle of Synchronicity in Nature.(Part 4)

The Theme of these series of articles are very much focused on releasing our Thinking Mind to become what it was designed for.

The first 3 in the series are all connected to our discussion today, and by re-reading them, will give you the full power and importance relating to our Physical World, and the Miracle of Life itself.

We desire all people that dwell on our beautiful Planet to become aware of what is reality.

Reality is all around us in nature itself,but we are so wrapped up in our Thinking Minds, we cannot see it most of the time.

The Synchronicity within the Animal Kingdom, also in the Vegetable and Mineral world as well as the great oceans are evidence of REALITY and the MIRACULOUS.

The mountains are wondrous and the many diversification’s of our Continents and Countries cannot be matched by any man made production, no matter how glittery they may be.

We are truly living in an amazing world that unfortunately we cannot see most of the time because we are so wrapped up in our Thinking Mind.

The importance of releasing the hold our Thinking Mind has on our lives cannot be stressed enough.

The Thinking Mind cannot see the beauty that Nature has provided.

It can only see it for material gain.

It uses Nature to become powerful and abuses the rights that have been given to the Human race as guardians and protectors of this incredible Planet.

Our Thinking Mind is determined to use Nature.

This is why we must become aware of the importance of “Total Synchronicity”.

The whole of Nature is alive.

It is constantly changing.

It has no reality other than continuous life itself that includes a birth and a death and all things in between.

The unwrapping of every part is amazing, and gives us the evidence that we need to become FREE from what our Thinking Mind would have us do.

Our Thinking Mind will always delay our becoming part of all that is, until it gets what it considers is important.

The problem is, that the Thinking Mind cannot be happy with what it has, because it is always wanting more.

The Thinking Mind keeps most of Mankind away from the reality of Nature by its never ending pursuit of wealth and power.

It is as it “IS”.

We (MANKIND) are not to blame for this because we have been brainwashed into believing that,“we are our Thinking Mind.”

We are constantly reminded that, “we are our emotions.”

We are constantly reading and hearing from our teachers and philosophers that, “we are our Experiences.”

We have no chance to be FREE from our Thinking Mind until we realise that it is not “who we are.”

There is no other way to becoming FREE from the insatiable wanting of more, more and even more, that the Thinking Mind requires to be happy.

This Incessant need for more, and our connection to “who we Think we are”, are one and the same.

The “more” is not real, and “who we Think we are”, is also not real.

They both are, only what we have been taught to us since our introduction to the Physical World.

They have no LIFE in them, and our belief in them as being, “who we are”, is equivalent to a living death.

The choice to change is now available to the World with the knowledge provided by this newspaper concerning “The LAW of PSYCHEGNOSIS”.

We have now got the information required to become aware of the unreality of searching for “who we are”,in material wealth and power.

When we understand that we are not “who we Think we are”, we will have more material wealth and power in the fact that we will realise that we are joint owners of all that nature has provided.

This wealth and power is available NOW to ALL people.

  We are fortunate indeed because when we came from the Un-Seen World, we earned the right to all of nature and only our connection to “who we think we are”, is stopping us from SEEING IT.

Our 30 day LIFE changing programme starts after our 10th article in this series. There are only 8 days left. We ask that ALL who have not registered please do so. It is FREE. Also our youtube video is available just type PSYCHEGNOSIS in the search engine of youtube.>

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