
Friday, April 19, 2024


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Miracles and Psychegnosis - the Miracle of Truth. (Part 9)

Miracles and Psychegnosis - the Miracle of Truth.

Truth is an elusive word, and is a very much misunderstood.

This misunderstanding will be discussed along with the significance it has in our life, and the Miracle it surely is.

This significance will be better appreciated if we review the other 9 articles in our series.

The way we as Human Beings look at what we consider Truth to be is complicated and extremely confusing

We ask that we ALL read the following with an open heart and consider the evidence put forward.

It will surprise us ALL, what Truth actually is.

Defense of so called Truth in the Physical World has caused numerous wars, as well as differences in Religion and Philosophy.

Truth is used to justify horrifying acts of violence against our fellow Human Beings.

Truth has divided families and ruined many a romance in its name.

It is the ultimate dividing factor in keeping Mankind from personal and Worldwide Peace.

Why do we (MANKIND) feel that we have a divine right to be right?

Our Truth is another persons lie, and Vice Versa.

The same feelings we have for what we consider Truth to be, is felt by those who have opposite viewpoints.

The way we feel about other people being wrong is returned with as strong an argument.

Truth in the Physical World is within the minds of those who hold them.

Truth is based solely on how they see it.

Truth is considered to be where everyone else needs to be according to what is proven beyond doubt within our mind.

How Insane are these reasons for considering what Truth IS?

The insanity of our opinions as being the only source of Truth can be understood only when we realise what the “LAW of PSYCHEGNOSIS” has Revealed - we are not our emotions or our “STORY”.

Our Emotions and our “STORY” are only real within the confines of our mind - no where else.

This article will make complete sense when anyone reads it but will it change us as readers in our outlook on what we consider Truth to be?

Will we still judge others of being wrong in their lifestyles or Religion and even the way they dress?

If we judge our opinions and our experiences as the only Truth, are we not living the opposite of what Truth is - A LIE?

Truth is what sets us Free.

What Exactly does it set us Free from?

It sets us Free from our Thinking Mind.

This is the real TRUTH.

When we Free ourselves from our emotions that we consider to be “who we are”, then and only then will we know the REAL Truth.

We shall be Free to fulfill the measure of our Creation.

There will be no more Wars or contentions amongst Humankind.

We shall be Free from being judgemental against ALL peoples.

Insanity will no longer prevail.

Peace will be the Result.

Truth, is Truly a Miracle.

We will be finishing our articles on Miracles and Psychegnosis tomorrow with article 10.

We still have places available for the 30 day Scientific test.

Those who have already joined will receive full details in the next day or so.

Also our youtube video series is now complete and we ask that you tune in to these videos.

Just put in the search engine of youtube psychegnosis and all ten videos can be seen.

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