
Thursday, April 25, 2024


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Parenting -  Fascinating

Well well well, here is an issue that is sure to bring PSYCHEGNOSIS to everyone’s attention when we discuss and report on its findings.

Everyone who has lived has parents.

First and foremost the “illusion” we believe we are, is the cause of all problems that have and do exist on Earth.

There is an emotional attachment to our parents that we carry with us throughout our lives.

The fact is that our connection to our parents is held within our subconscious.

This allows for REACTION which is carried with us from our early experiences throughout our lives.

This REACTION we have is incredibly difficult to control and many a person has regretted their behaviour after a visit to their mum and dads.

Even telling themselves before hand that they were not going to give into the emotional change that always seemed to take them over whenever they were with their parents.

Only through recognition to who we are not can we be free from our involuntary REACTION.

When we realize this it’s exciting to watch our parents’ behaviour as they too act out their REACTION to their Sub-Conscious.

Their connection or attachment to whom they believe they are is also beyond their control.

So as we become aware of these Emotions and observe them as emotions rather than connect them to who we think we are, hey presto as if by magic we become free.

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