
Thursday, April 25, 2024


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Peace - Sincerity and Belief, a time to stand and be counted. (Part 5)

Perhaps reading the first 4 sections will help before embarking on this in-depth discussion?

Peace - Sincerity and Belief, a time to stand and be counted.(Part 5)

Today we shall put together as much as possible, what we as readers of Psychegnosis News can do, to individually bring Peace and harmony, to our beautiful planet Earth.

This will bring incredible rewards to all who take part in the process of helping achieve what would be the greatest accomplishment, mankind can reach.

Please take the following article and share it with all your friends and loved ones.

PSYCHEGNOSIS, is a Law of the Universe.

It is, as any other Natural Law.

It is the Un-Seen part of the physical world we live in.

It is available to all mankind.

It goes beyond thought.

Thought is based only on the knowledge accumulated here on this Earth.

PSYCHEGNOSIS, is the miraculous, as far as our thoughts are concerned.

It is access to the Un-Seen World, where we originate from.

It communicates with the real essence that make up, “who we truly are”.

The reason it can do this is DUE to its being from the same Spiritual source we came from before we entered the Physical arena.

It is not based on Thought.

Thought is a Physical element.

Peace is non Physical.

Thought is an Emotion.

Peace is not an Emotion.

That is why we cannot be misled by Peace.

Peace knows all things.

Peace is freedom from Emotions.

Emotions are Physical.

They (EMOTIONS) are imperative to our existence here in the Physical World.

The REASON we must not believe our Emotional output, is because it is only based on a limited amount of knowledge accumulated here on this earth, both by our ancestos and our own EXPERIENCES.

They are biased.

Our knowledge can tell us of our own small world that exists solely, in our minds.

This knowledge has been transmitted through Vibration, from our surroundings.

They are also pieces of Vibrational information from our Ancestors.

They are the EXPERIENCES of those who brought us to this Earth - our Foretathers.

They are the teachings, that we have put together, that make up our Religious Belief.

They are based on information, from what we have read, heard or felt.

They are important to our survival.

These Thoughts make up part of what we call our Ego.

This part of our Ego, will only exist while we are in the Physical World.

When we die this part of our Ego, will be no more - Gone!

This is why we cannot trust our Thoughts and Emotions.

Peace can be trusted.

Mankind has floundered at all stages of development, as thinking became part of “who we were”, or to be more exact, when we began to BELIEVE that we were our THOUGHTS.

They (MANKIND) searched with only the knowledge contained within their MIND.

At first, early man connected themselves to the Elements and Nature itself.

They made gods of these things.

They worshipped the Sun and the Moon and anything else, they could connect there lives with.

Their information was through the limited knowledge they had.

Quite simple really - but True.

A perfectly understandable outcome.

Even today, this is the way we would have reacted in the same circumstance.

Their Belief was limited by their Experiences, and their Experiences, were their Thoughts.

As time went past, wise men would come amongst them and tell them of deeper meanings than the Elements and Nature that had become their gods.

These wise men were disliked because they were taking the people away from the powers, that CONTROLLED the money, who existed at that time.

These men of power and influence knew, that if the people stopped listening to them, their income would be severely curtailed.

These men of power, had no interest in Truth or Peace.

So the wise men would be shunned or killed by whatever society had a hold of the power.

It was the way then, as it is, the way now.

Throughout the History of the World, Truth and Peace, were a pretended outcome of all men in power.

Power is corruptive.

Power cares for nothing.

Power is the killer of Peace.

Its interest is only in having more power or holding onto power.

Good men in politics become corrupt, when they get into power.

This is evident in all of History.

It will take an extremely wise man who can contain power, and turn it into Peace.


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