
Friday, April 19, 2024


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Health Adventure : Why a Hypochondriac is Living proof of the Power of Belief !

Health Adventure : Why a Hypochondriac is Living proof of the Power of Belief !

Let us look at some Medical Scientific evidence and living proof of the power of Belief available within the Physical World we dwell on.

It will certainly be the case that every reader will not have to look far to find someone who is a Hypochondriac.

The Dictionary definition for Hypochondria is as follows ;
hy·po·chon·dri·a (hp-kndr-)
The persistent conviction that one is or is likely to become ill, often involving symptoms when illness is neither present nor likely, and persisting despite reassurance and medical evidence to the contrary. Also called hypochondriasis.

The Headline is about this power we ALL have and that power is Belief. What does that actually mean?

It is explained in our article written in March 2009 and the following Statement which is in BOLD TYPE BELOW ;

“Perhaps we should repeat what we wrote earlier - To have no Belief in the healing process causes us to doubt that we can be Healed.

The lack of Belief is replaced with the Belief of fear and unease.

Yes, fear and unease are Beliefs.

They cause the illness to remain longer or even become a more serious condition.

Fear is also a major cause of creating illness and disease; this is most evident in cases where people become hypochondriacs.

Hypochondriacs are amazing because their belief systems are perfect.

Unfortunately for them it works.

Thinking is the cause of all issues that concern Belief.

Thus the Law of PSYCHEGNOSIS will release us from the vibration that causes ALL illness.

That our thinking causes the vibration that prevents our immune system from operating with all that - IS.“

More to come on this important part of THE LAW OF PSYCHEGNOSIS.

This is an open forum and we can all have our say.

This is only our findings please share your point of view.”

When we look at Medical evidence available we can see that the above Statement has within it the answer to our Health issues.

Are there members of our own families who are living examples of Hypochondria?

Perhaps if we look at our own lives we shall see the evidence of Hypochondria?

Do we see that our Obsession with what we believe we have gives us actual symptoms?

Do we understand that the only way to not be a Hypochondriac is to realise that we are NOT Hypochondriacs?

Our Health services in every Country is overrun by those who are not ill but are simply caught up by “who they think they are”.

The plain and simple reason for Hypochondria is that we do not understand that “we are not” Hypochondriacs.

The difficulty is that we try to fix the symptoms caused by our Thinking Minds and this is not what we should be treating.

Why treat a disorder that does not exist?

What we need to do is simply explain to those who are showing symptoms of illness that they are controlling what is happening to them.

When we realise that we are NOT“who we think we are”, the symptoms will disappear - instantly.

We are NOT at fault for our illness but at the same time we are at the cause of our illness.

The above Statement may seem to contradict itself but when understood by those who are aware of “who they are not”, it makes complete sense.

So from today onwards let us Observe what we Believe.

For when we do this we can become FREE from the Non-Sense we Believe.

It will become clear that our Beliefs are causing us to be ill.

Those who understand will have become healthier - immediately. Those who chose to believe that they are their Thinking Minds will continue to be - where they are. It is as it IS.

More tomorrow. Comments please to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

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