
Thursday, April 18, 2024


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Prison - what makes someone keep ending up back inside?

Prison - what makes someone keep ending up back inside?

Our prisons are full to capacity everywhere in the world.

The only solution that the world offers is - build more prisons.

The most baffling issue is why does someone re-offend.

It has become expected both by the prison authorities and the offender, the chance of ending up back inside, is extremely high.

The punishment can be tough.

It can be understanding.

It can be a long sentence.

The best available psychological help is available.

For a lot of prisoners it just does not work.

Why is this?

We shall discuss two kinds of offenders today, the one who decides never to be back, but does, and the one who just knows they will return.

First and foremost most if not all people who leave prison, do not intend returning.

While they are in prison they want to be free.

That is their constant thought.

They feel sorry for themselves.

They realise the pain they have given to the victims of their crime.

The trauma their friends and family are going through.

So while they are inside they have no intentions of re-offending.

But they do.


We shall give the reason and the solution later.

The second kind of re-offender decides that he belongs in prison.

The world answers that they are just plain bad.

This is not true.

We shall discuss the permanent solution.

Every person that exists on this earth has a “STORY”.

Their “STORY” may be sad.

It may be a happy “STORY”.

It can involve both outcomes.

The fact is that we all carry a “STORY”.

This is the fundamental problem with all people including those in prison.

Our “STORY” is the problem.

We constantly connect who we are to our “STORY”.

The more we tell the “STORY”, the more we believe it to be “who we are”.

As our “STORY” unfolds, we act it out.

The answer to all human successes and failures lies in what “STORY”, we believe is “who we are”.

This belief is the problem.

The “STORY” either has to change or we shall continue to act it out.

It’s as simple as that.

That includes all of mankind, not just those in prison.

The “STORY” we tell ourselves is the outcome of our lives.

Once we realise this, our world is easily changed.

PSYCHEGNOSIS explains that every “STORY” starts with an idea.

The idea was planted in our Sub-Conscious then transmitted to our mind.

Then transformed into our “STORY”.

In our constant search for identity. we thought, thought, thought and then thought a little more, and we ended up with our “STORY”.

We can change our “STORY” and we will be happier.

We can change our “STORY” and we will change our outcome in life.

This is what happens to us all.

It is still based on thought.

That is still the problem.

To BELIEVE “we are” our “STORY” is still the problem.

It only shifts our connection to a new “STORY”.

What PSYCHEGNOSIS teaches is to NOT to tell ourselves that we are our “STORY”.

Therein, lies the solution.

An instant change happens when we realise that our “STORY is not “who we are”.

It is a miracle.

It is the greatest miracle, that we as humans can have.

It transforms us instantly.

It is permanent.

It makes it easy to live life.

So let us all stop believing our “STORY”.

Thus, the change can happen in our lives.

Any person can have this experience.

it is available to all.

No matter what your “STORY” may be.

No matter how bad your “STORY” is.

It shall set you free from prison and more importantly from the prison that your “STORY” keeps you in.

All of us who BELIEVE we are our “STORY” are in prison.

Prisoners of our mind.

Start today by not thinking you are your “STORY”.

It works - 100% GUARANTEED!. It is as it “IS”.

PSYCHEGNOSIS therapists are available for lectures FREE of charge in prisons. Only expenses incurred will be charged.

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