
Tuesday, April 23, 2024


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Article 500+14 - The Limitatation of believing that we are our Thinking Minds.

Article 500+13 - The Limitation of believing that we are our Thinking Minds

Mankind has developed and made advancements in so many ways but has never achieved the most important breakthrough of all which is being at Peace both on an individual and Global level.

Why is it that we have many so called professors of Religion in every Country but we cannot find a way that leads to the most important breakthrough of ALL?

Why is it we as a Race of people have not found ourselves able to live in Harmony with our fellow Human Beings?

Why do we have so many Suicides within our communities that make no sense whatsoever?

Why are our Hospitals overrun with people suffering from such things as Depression, Mental problems and other such mind based issues?

Why do we continue to have families at war with one another?

Why do we Love someone one moment and Hate them the next moment?

Why do we have so many conflicts even amongst those who claim to believe the same things?

ALL of the above are rampant in every Society and Culture within the Physical World and it is getting worse every day.

Even those who are regular readers of this newspaper the Psychegnosis News are not exempt from the insanity of living our lives in such a limited way.

We are obsessed with trying to come to terms with our Emotions but at the same time not able to see what is the real problem.

The real issue is not our Emotions.

The real issue is not how our fellow Human Beings behave or believe.

The real issue is not even in the way we behave as individuals.

If the real issue is in our behaviour then why is it we are not in Harmony or at Peace individually?

If the real issue is on improving our behaviour why is it we have not found Peace?

If the real issue was in overcoming our Emotions why is there so many SELF HELP BOOKS and so many so called Gurus attempting to give us solutions?

Why as a race of so called intelligent people we are further away than ever from individual and Global Harmony?

The reason is simple.

The reason is staring us in the face.

The reason is because we are looking at everything accept the real issue.

We are trying to repair a problem with another version of the problem.

It is insanity of the highest degree.

Instead of the problems getting better they simply get worse.

We declare that by attempting to overcome an Emotional issue with an Emotion based solution will only make our issues lead to further confusion.

We cannot and will not find a solution by using any method that has its foundation within our Thinking Minds.

We are wasting valuable time and money and at the same time making our issues ito bigger issues.

Our series on article 500 has given Mankind a solution that works.

We continue our look at the content of this very important publication.

We are on Question/Statement number 9 but before addressing it let us remind ourselves of the previous 8;

1)” Has Mankind found PEACE by declaring any Philosophy or Religion to be the only way to live here in the Physical World?”

2 ) “Is it a Sane thing to believe that where we are born in the World gives us a right to be better than any other Human Being?”

3)” When we are born into the Physical World does our skin colour make us Superior or Inferior to those who are of a different colour?”

4) “Do we Realise that our Belief in God was given to us by our Parents or by the Country or Culture of our birth?”

5)” Does having a so called Superior intellect give us the right to Judge any other Human Being as being inferior?”

6) “Do we Realise that most of our Beliefs are not what we really believe but have become a learned process from our Experiences and influences by our environment while here in the Physical World?”

7)“ Do we Realise that we are not the same person from one day to the next but we are in fact living our lives inside a Physical body that has developed from a babe in arms to a full grown adult”?

8) “Do we Realise that our Thinking is different from what others Think simply because of what we have been taught so therefore is a product of someone Else’s Thinking?”

Below is the 9th Question/Statement.
9!)” Do we Realise that as Human Beings we are living our lives by the Belief that - we are what we are taught?”

ALL of the above Questions/Statements will give instant Peace when read with sincerity.

The 9th Question/Statement concurs with the other 8 in that it opens up our minds to what the REAL PROBLEM is with Mankind.

It is our dependance on our Thinking Minds being who we are.

Let those who understand - understand. It is as it IS.

Tomorrow we will perhaps discuss PROCRASTNATON. comments to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)


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