
Thursday, April 25, 2024


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Religious or Spiritual - What is the Message Religion is purporting to Give? (part 4)

,Religious or Spiritual - What is the Message Religion is Purporting to Give?

The word Purporting means Intention.

We would like to as an Unbiased Newspaper with NO AFFILIATION to any Particular RELIGIOUS BODY to discuss the Intentions that our Religions have.

This is a very Volatile Subject and we would like to say that this is not a Witch Hunt against Religion but Simply a look at the Motives and Intentions of all Mankind.

We Ask that it would Further our Knowledge of this Topic if we would ALL Review the Previous 3 articles on this Interesting Subject.

The Intentions of Psychegnosis News is to Help us All to Come to a Knowledge of the Truth and that Includes our Belief in a Supreme Being.

One Reason for Religion is our Need to give Acknowledgment to a Higher Power.

Another is that we Realise our Inner Need to give Thanks for the Life and the World we Live in.

And Finally the Vibratory Conditioning we have all Received from when we Leave the Womb gives us the Sincerity of Belief in what way we should Worship.

These and other Similar Reasons give us a Sense of Fulfillment and a Feeling of Returning Something to the World.

These are Common for ALL Religious Denominations.

The Worshiping of a Supreme Creator is as Sincere in one Religion as it is in Another.

These Urges are Prevalent within ALL peoples, so therefore if there is a Supreme Being he (OR she) would be Grateful to ALL his Children no Matter what way they Wished to give him Praise.

Would this not Seem a Reasonable Assumption?

If he Realized also the Circumstances that Prevailed within each of the Lives of ALL those who Worshiped would he not be Happy with their Offerings?

Do we Think that the Creator of this Earth would Condemn any of his Children for Something that they Believed was their way of Giving Thanks?

Do we Think God would Condemn anyone for being Sincere and turn away the Gifts that are Offered?

Furthermore if we did Believe God would Condemn and Reject anyone for being Sincere, why would we want anything to do with such a God?

The last Question is Obviously not going to be the Case as God is neither Bigoted nor Unreasonable.

Psychegnosis News Wishes us ALL to answer these Questions with A SINCERE Heart and an OPEN Mind.

They are Sensible Reasonable Questions to ask ourselves.

When we do Answer them in an Honest Fashion we shall Begin to give ourselves a Better Understanding of our Connection to Each and Every Person that Dwells on this Wonderful Diversified Planet we call Earth.

The Barriers of what we have been Taught will be Lifted because we will Realise that we are not who we Thought we were.

This will Overcome any Unreasonable Thinking we may have had Towards other Religions.

This will Free us all from any Judgmental Attitudes we may have had.

It will Lead to the Message that we ALL Share in Common - Peace.

PSYCHEGNOSIS is a Law that gives us the Truth.

That Truth is as things ARE.

By Non-Acceptance of things as they ARE we will not see the Fullness of Joy that Life can give.

Let us all go over these Questions and Ask them in a Sincere Manner.

When we do this Peace shall Enter every Fibre of our Being.

This is the Message from this newspaper to ALL Human Beings and the Religions of the World.

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