
Thursday, April 18, 2024


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Revenge - is it really Sweet?

Revenge - is it really Sweet?

This Question is Answered with a Resounding NO!

The Worlds View would have us Believe that it is Good to return Bad for Bad.

’ In our Society today the common “Eye for an Eye” Reaction just ends up Blinding the Whole World.’

They Promote this Policy in Society, and the Media is full of Retaliation in their Reports.

In most Movies they Play with our Emotions to the point that we Cheer, when a Violent end comes to some Individual.

But what Really Happens when we Exact Revenge on Someone, within our Minds and Bodies?

As has been said, in ALL of the Articles written in PSYCHEGNOSIS NEWS, our Thoughts are very very Powerful.

Let us Remind you of the Processing of our Thoughts and the Reaction Caused by them both in our Minds and our Physical Body.

The Idea comes to our Mind from a Thought.

We Focus on this Thought and a “STORY” Unfolds.

This “STORY” goes over the Reasons that an Action must be Acted out in a Physical Sense.

It Weighs up the Pros and Cons that have Accumulated in our Mind.

This then Results in a Chemical Change in our Nervous Systems within our Physical Bodies.

Focusing on Revenge brings on TOTAL Insanity.

It (OUR"STORY”) cannot see anything other than its own Limited Point of View.

It keeps telling the “STORY” over and over again until it even Justifies such Extremes as Murder.

The Facts are that all Cases of Murder are Caused by the same SOURCE of Reactions as these.

They are Insane Thoughts and are in Control of who “we think we are”.

Let us take a look at the Result of carrying Revengeful Thoughts in our Minds an also its Effects on our Bodies.

They(THE THOUGHTS) are Responsible for nearly all Illness that are in our Bodies and Minds.

Thoughts that are Dwelt on are Deadly.

They send us into Dwelling on Past or Future Events with Tenseness and Hatred.

The Body then Develops Illness and Pain.

We become Sleepless and Lose Concentration.

The END Results are Premature Death or Debilitating Disease.

We can all Relate to this in our own Lives as well as other People.

All Wars are in Fact the Results of Revenge.

The more we Think of Revenge, the Greater the Pain is.

The Greatest Reaction is Caused when somone we Loved Rejects us.

Our Infatuation turns from another Powerful Emotion we Mistake as LOVE, into Revenge.

This is CONDITIONAL LOVE - more on this can be viewed -  http://www.psychegnosis.com/index.php/psychegnosis/entries/true_love…..or_not/  which is the product of past emotions we presumed was who we were.

This so called Love is no Different from Revenge or Hate Emotions.

In Fact is like any Emotion that we Believe is Actually “who we are”.

Understanding PSYCHEGNOSIS makes it Easy not to be Caught up in the Insanity.

To realise we are not who “we think we are” is the only Solution to Revenge and the Mayhem that revenge Causes.

Good Physical and Mental Health will be Result of those who Discover this Amazing TRUTH.

Then PEACE shall abide.

Of this it is certain.

The Bitterness of REVENGE is NOT SWEET.

Choose PEACE!.

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