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SPECIAL MESSAGE to ALL of MANKIND; DISCOVERING “who we are” by UNMASKING “who we are NOT”.(Part 118)


SPECIAL MESSAGE to ALL of MANKIND; DISCOVERING “who we are” by UNMASKING “who we are NOT”.(Part 118)

The MISSION of this newspaper is to bring forth INFORMATION that will bring PEACE to all of MANKIND.

The MISSION of this newspaper is to EXPLAIN in DETAIL why MANKIND has never discovered PEACE.

The MISSION of this newspaper is to give SOLUTIONS for every so called problem that EXISTS that is preventing PEACE.

The MISSION of this newspaper is a “BLUEPRINT” which will be used by every GOVERNMENT and RELIGION to TEACH every HUMAN BEING on the PLANET.

This is the MISSION of this NEWSPAPER.

Every article is DESIGNED to explain why MANKIND has been looking in the wrong places to DISCOVER PEACE.


The only way we as a race of people will survive is to REALISE that our EMOTIONAL OUTPUT does not require to be MEDICATED - MEDITATED upon or ANALYSED.

MANKIND will only DISCOVER “who we are” by UNMASKING “who we are not”.

This is why it is IMPORTANT that we read the INFORMATION within this newspaper every day.

By reading every day we can UNRAVEL the NON-SENSE we have been taught that our EMOTIONAL OUTPUT is “who we are”.

A previous publication from AUGUST 2009, has more INFORMATION concerning what the MISSION of this newspaper is;


15th of AUGUST 2009,

“The Emotions of Life Investigated - What part does PSYCHEGNOSIS have to play”.

We are 15 days into the 30 day Adventure and our investigation of our Emotions.

We will be as promised investigating the Mission Statement over the next 10 days or so.

The importance of PSYCHEGNOSIS is explained in the Mission Statement.

The statements made are bold indeed.

If they are truly what they claim to be, they are of the utmost importance to mankind.

If they are not what they claim to be, they are a fraud, or at best another mind based idea thrust upon mankind.

We believe at Psychegnosis News that the information within the articles are the most valuable pieces of information that mankind has ever received.

We believe that PSYCHEGNOSIS is a True Law of the Universe.

Let us investigate the Mission Statement with an open mind.

1)PSYCHEGNOSIS is made up of two words which together make up all that it is.

They are PSYCHE and GNOSIS.

Psyche, we will discover from further reading is that which is beyond - “who we believe we are”.

Gnosis is a Greek word, meaning knowledge.

So simply put PSYCHEGNOSIS means, knowledge of “whom we are not”.

Thus PSYCHEGNOSIS is a completely new word which in and of itself will be known for what it is.

The above is a simple explanation telling us that PSYCHEGNOSIS is a new word explaining “who we are not”.

It goes on to tell us, that it is made up of two words, one which is Psyche and the other which is Gnosis.

These in and of themselves are individual words with there own individual history.

The word Psyche in the context we use here means, “who we truly are” and thus we are not “who we think we are”.

Mankind has been trying to fix or repair our Emotions and our experiences that pertain to the Physical World - believing them to be “who we are”.

Our Psyche is the person or the real us that we sense behind all the role plays, we participate in.

The real us is not what makes up our Physical entity.

It is not what our name is.

It is not “who we think we are”.

The Psyche is from the un-seen World therefore we are part of the un-seen World.

The Gnosis part of the word that makes up PSYCHEGNOSIS is a Greek word meaning knowledge.

In this instance it is a knowledge of the PSYCHE.

This is very important because when we understand “who we are not” we shall actually discover “who we are”.

ALL of mankind has been searching for themselves in the wrong place.

They are seeking to find themselves in the experiences and Emotions that are stored in the mind.

This is why it is important to understand the Gnosis of “who we are not”.

We declare that PSYCHEGNOSIS, is what it claims to be.

That it will bring instant Peace to ALL of mankind, when it is understood in its entirety.

We ask that ALL peoples of this wonderful planet we call Earth realise what PSYCHEGNOSIS has to offer mankind.

The claim that “we are” not our experiences is important.

The PSYCHE is the real us.

WE have a $1million challege to anyone or any organisation that has a better plan for Peace.

Our evidence is explained in the 200 (now over 1200) articles written within the newspaper “The Psychegnosis News”.

We ask that we all appreciate these articles and give them the respect they deserve.

As for our first statement in the Mission Statement, we also ask that we ALL realise that PSYCHE is either a True Law of the Universe or just another fraud thrust upon the World.

Look for the fruits whether they are what they say they are, or not.END of AUGUST 2009, ARTICLE

CEASE to be MISLED by the NON-SENSE that MANKIND has taught to us, that our EMOTIONAL OUTPUT is “who we are”.

We at this newspaper are NOT AFRAID of the TRUTH!

ARE YOU? It is as it “IS”.

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