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SPECIAL MESSAGE to ALL of MANKIND; What is “TRUTH”? (Part 130)


SPECIAL MESSAGE to ALL of MANKIND; What is “TRUTH”? (Part 130)

Ever since time began and throughout HISTORY, the SEARCH for “TRUTH” has eluded MANKIND.

Every GENERATION in every SOCIETY has passed down their own unique VERSION of “TRUTH” to their CHILDREN.

Every RELIGION has TAUGHT that they have the “TRUTH”.

Why then do we (MANKIND) NOT have PEACE and HARMONY?

Why do we live in a constant STATE of FEAR and CONFUSION?

Why do we go to WAR with our FELLOW MAN?

Why do so many RELATIONSHIPS end in DIVORCE?

“TRUTH” is not what we THINK it is.

“TRUTH” is not to be found in our PAST EXPERIENCES.

“TRUTH” is in UNDERSTANDING and being AWARE that our PHYSICAL BODY and our VIBRATIONAL OUTPUT is NOT “who we are”.

A previous article from FEBRUARY 2009, will shed more LIGHT on what “TRUTH” is.



“ABSOLUTE TRUTH - what is it”?

Absolute-Truth is an illusory issue, and can mean many varied opinions about any subject.

Every opinion has its reason for it being the Truth.

Having passion or sincerity about an issue does not make it an absolute Truth.

To use force to prove our point does not make it an absolute Truth.

To tell every person we meet and perhaps convince them of your point, does not make it an absolute Truth.

It can be handed down as fact through generations of people but it does not make it an absolute Truth.

Even writing or making it part of historical memoirs does not make it an absolute Truth.

All these points are illustrated by the fact that it was once held that the world was flat.

You would have been taught in your school, this so called Truth.

The scientists of the day all agreed, that the earth was flat.

Your religion would have disowned you, if you had said anything different.

So what does make something an absolute Truth?

When we refuse to accept -WHAT “IS”-  shall bring us great unhappiness.

When we focus on -“WHO WE THINK WE ARE”- will cause confusion and disarray. 

All these things are the reason we do not having Peace in all we do.

They are the only certainty in our lives, along with death.

Thus they are an -“ABSOLUTE TRUTH”.

Everything else is open to debate.

It may seem at first to be an obscure and unusual way to be given the answer.

If we read the article a few times more, it will become clearer.

Therein, lies the solution.

Let us explain this analogy, and how it was reached.

The “illusion” wants our minds to solve all issues in life by thinking.

This leads to a conclusion about everything we ask in our minds, to be answered by our minds.

Please re-read that last line again

Our minds are made up of thoughts, and the experiences we have accumulated in our limited lives, here in this wonderful world.

So how can it answer a question that is SPIRITUAL in nature?

It is separate from all things and sees no connection with “ALL THINGS”.

“ALL THINGS”, meaning on this occasion, “our oneness with all of creation”.

For us to get the best answer or as near an answer to the Truth,  we must look at the results of where we get our answers.

The BELIEF that “we are” of our thinking has led us to nothing but pain and sorrow.

The results of not BEING RELIANT on our thinking are, clarity of mind, lightness in our whole system, all result in Peace.

PSYCHEGNOSIS allows us to be free from, “who we believe we are”, and the reward is instant Peace.

Try it out for yourself. END of FEBRUARY 2009, ARTICLE  

The IMPORTANCE of REALISING that our VIBRATIONAL OUTPUT is not the SOURCE of “TRUTH” must not be be ignored.

This is the “TRUTH”. It is as it “IS”.

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