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Special report : The Trilogy explained -  Our message is not new but is it Understood ? (Part 3)

Special report : The Trilogy explained -  Our message is not new but is it Understood?

We as Human Beings have advanced in so many ways as far as making ourselves more comfortable within the Physical World.

We have learned to take information from the Unseen World and have it manifested ( apparent to the mind; easily apprehensible; plain; not obscure or hidden.) here in the Seen World.

Why then do we not have individual or global Peace?

“The Trilogy” which has been our focus over the last 6 articles have within them the most important information that this newspaper has given to mankind so far.

Please have the printouts from PART 7,8 and 9 of the look down memory lane series as well as parts 1 and 2 so that a fuller understanding will be our outcome.

Let us remind us ALL what “The Trilogy” actually pertains to.

Here is a brief synopsis of what they represent :

1) The first of them is explained in our article on Gratitude.

Here is the question that we were to ask ourselves in that publication :

Do I realise that Gratitude is Peace?

That is the first of The Trilogy

2)When we do anything it may help to ask this Question :

If someone treated me the way I am treating them would I consider them to be acting in my best interests or would I expect them to treat me differently?

As quoted from the Prince of Peace himself :

“do unto others as we would do unto ourselves.“

That is the second of The Trilogy.

3) “No one can serve two masters, either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other.“

This explains Hypocrisy and for those who are not connected to their Thinking Minds it will make complete sense and it is the third part of The Trilogy.

All three of the above are vital ingredients for bringing about the Peace promised by this newspaper as well as by ALL WISE MEN IN DAYS PAST.

As we shall see the message of Peace has been presented many times to Mankind in our Past but was never understood for what it was.

Below in BOLD TYPE is our statement taken from our original March 2009 issue which brings to light what we have been discussing.

Please read with an open mind for in this Statement we have the vital information needed to bring about a revolution both in ourselves and our fellow men.

Enjoy :

“What happens in all set ups, or organisations that mankind has put together including the following. Religion, Political Movements, theories of one kind or another and even modern day self help books etc.

ALL of these are focused on finding out who “we are”.

It is the ultimate illusion that the “illusion” has in its armoury.

It is the one thing that has kept the “illusion” in control of us, on an individual and collective basis.

The message from all these organisations “is find out who you are”.

All mankind is in this hold, except for a very few.

Those who are and have been enlightened by wise men in days past and have been aware of “who they are not” have not had their message passed on.

They tried to tell their devotees or disciple’s the message but it was diluted by them, and the TRUTH was lost.

The problem always lay in the fact that the “illusion’ within us all, wanted to hear - whats in it for me.

For example lets take this newspaper that we are reading at this time.

PSYCHEGNOSIS was introduced to yourselves through someone telling you about it.

You were told something that made you decide to read it.

You read about who you are not, in all of the articles.

For it is, in ALL of the articles.

You like some of the articles because they can help you be happier.

They can help in your relationships.

They can help your life situation.

They can help you be better at being in the world.

The article may even help you to be more positive and focused.

But let this newspaper explain an important TRUTH - NONE OF THOSE THINGS ARE THE MESSAGE OF PSYCHEGNOSIS - they are only a TESTIMONIAL towards finding out “who we are not”!”

The above Statement explains that since the dawn of time the message of PSYCHEGNOSIS has been taught but not understood for what it is.

These wise men were examples of what they believed and tried in vain to explain the importance of what they themselves fully understood.

They were laughed at or even killed by those who could not understand the message because they were so caught up in the Physical World.

The World was and still is controlled by the Thinking Mind but this time the message of “who we are not” will be taught to the entire World.

The wonders of the internet and the information that is available to ALL men will bring about a radical change in every land and in every language known to man.

That is the mission of this newspaper.

We shall spread this message to those that are meek and those that are humble.

The so-called wisdom of the world shall not stop what is Mankinds destiny.

We at this newspaper will bring the BLUEPRINT to every Nation of the World and those that are not connected to their Thinking Minds will grasp it and make it manifest within their communities.

The importance of this message will be understood by a few at first but will eventually spread like no other message has ever done.

The Earth is now ready to accept this age old but not understood message.

The burning Question is to each of us are we ready to accept it or are we still controlled by “who we think we are”?

The facts are that those who have taken the message and taken the time to put PSYCHEGNOSIS to the test have changed their lives beyond recognition.

Those who have looked for an answer to their lives experiences have recieved temporary relief.

We are not afraid of presenting the message that Mankind sorely needs so that we can ALL become what we were meant to become which is greater than the Thinking Mind can ever tell us.

The Thinking Mind cannot read these articles because it is afraid if the message.

This is the TRUTH. It is as it “IS”.

Tomorrow we look at the next Statement presented in our March 2009 article. Please read and review the whole article and great understanding shall flow through your whole being. It is up to each of us to do what we need to do. ALL comments as usual to   .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

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