
Saturday, April 20, 2024


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Stuff and more stuff.

“Stuff and more stuff”.

Stuff here indicates possessions as in material belongings rather than being possessed.

The “illusion” is in the business of accumulating everything it can.

Our thinking mind believes we shall be happy when we get something else.

This causes momentary feelings of completeness but this soon wears off and the urge returns once more.

This urge needs fulfilling.

There is a preoccupation with the future and the next “in thing” that becomes available.

Marketing company’s know exactly how to play our “illusions”.

This accumulating stuff behaviour brings about obsessional behaviour where we never have enough shoes, cars or houses, the list is endless.

We have never lived in such a remarkable time when stuff was so plentiful.

If we allow ourselves to constantly want more it causes financial problems as well as a restriction on our every day life.

The chaos caused is beyond reason, our children who then become our vibration.

This causes them to never be satisfied, which in turn, gives undue pressure on the parents.

Parents feel guilty about not being a good parent because their children never seem to be happy.

This causes friction and bitterness.

The world believes that accumulating STUFF is success, and the gathering of it, as was said before gives very little PEACE.

More STUFF later…plenty more and more and even more later.

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