
Thursday, April 25, 2024


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On this day the 23rd of MARCH 2016 we begin a new series which if read each day over the next 30 days will bring about an understanding of “who we are” and thus bring a CHANGE within the lives of every HUMAN BEING who opens up their mind and hearts to what is called ‘THE LAW OF PSYCHEGNOSIS’!

We invite ALL of those who participate to both read and share this INFORMATION with their friends and relatives so that this important message can be spread throughout every continent on our beautiful EARTH.

Our desire is to bring about PEACE and HAPPINESS in a world that is full of FEAR and MISINFORMATION concerning “who we are” and we ask that you the reader also join with us to bring about this AWAKENING to those they PROFESS to love.

During the next few days we will be studying an ARTICLE first published in APRIL 2009 which will help us to begin to understand the fundamental principles of ‘THE LAW OF PSYCHEGNOSIS’.

Here is that ARTICLE as it was published in 2009;

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be..“ Lao Tzu

Friday, April 24, 2009

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.“ Lao Tzu.

This quotation is attributed to Lao Tzu - Founder of Taoism, who lived almost 500 years before Christ.

This is to show that the Wisdom of PSYCHEGNOSIS is not a new Revelation, but a re-emphasis on what Wise men tried to convey in all ages of Mankind.

The importance of this Statement, allows us to speculate what require to Realise, in our quest to finding out, “who we are not”.

Other quotations from Past men of Wisdom, also confirm the necessity of this great Truth.

Jesus has many such quotes, but perhaps his most famous one relates to this Scripture: Matthew 10:39 where it tells us that if we lose ourselves we shall find ourselves”.

This is amazing in the fact that we as Human BEINGS are constantly trying to find out “who we are,“ and here it says, that the only way find ourselves, is to lose our-self.

It is easy to see how people connected to themselves, let this great Truth pass them by..

The “illusion” of “who we think we are”, cannot understand because -  is looking for a who “we are”,  within the Thoughts and Emotions of the mind.


It cannot find an answer, because thoughts are limited to Experiences only within the Lifetime of the mind and the INFORMATION it INHERITED within our HUMAN BODY.

The answer lies within the UN-SEEN WORLD.

PSYCHEGNOSIS would like to proclaim that the answer to “who we are” is in DISCOVERING, “who we are not”.

When this takes place, a whole new world immediately opens up to all who realise, “who they are not”.

We become “more” than we could have ever dreamed of becoming.

This is instant.

We are free from the burden of our Past Events and the fear of what the Future, required of us.

Peace will be the result of continually living life.

Life passes us all by - when we are focused on our Thinking.

Thinking cannot relate to the present moment because it is limited to its own understanding.

It cannot comprehend, because it has no connection to what is happening at this moment.

Only on, what has happened.

It can relate to what it thinks will happen in the Future, but as for this moment it cannot.

These words may seem silly to those people who feel they are learned in English - they are not written for you, but for those who wish to be free from who they thought they were and have “who have ears to hear”.

They are written so that all mankind can become free, from the pain of our Thoughts and Emotions.

This pain can be released immediately, we realise these VIBRATIONS are not,“who we are”.

As for others who refuse to take note, they will continue to have the pain from connecting “who they are”, to their Emotions and Thoughts from the mind.

The beauty of life is, we can choose pain if we so wish.

Today’s article is NON-RELIGIOUS and is simply to illustrate that Past Generations, have revealed this great Truth.

We would also wish to point out that all religions would benefit from reading this article.

It shall also benefit any reader that has no Religious or Spiritual leanings.

The desire of all at Psychegnosis News, is to have all the world appreciate the benefits of realising, “who we are not”.”

If there are any QUESTIONS concerning this article or any other queries concerning this newspaper, please write in to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)



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