
Thursday, April 25, 2024


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The Emotions of Life Investigated - how our Emotions affect our Health. (Day 3)

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The Emotions of Life Investigated - how our Emotions affect our Health.

We are enjoying the feedback from those who are participating in our amazing 30 day adventure.

This is due to the Sincerity of those who are taking part in this Life Changing programme.

We are continuing our research into our Emotions here today and implore all readers to begin reading the first 2 days before continuing with this article.

Health is something that exists in the Physical Domain.

It is very Important and we desire ALL to have the best Health Possible.

The Human Body Requires the correct nourishment not just about our intake of food but also what we are feeding into our Minds.

If we feed the wrong foods to our Anatomy it results in sickness and a weakening of our Physical Bodies.

The same goes for Information that we take inside our Minds.

The Importance of the latter one is our focus on Health today.

We Realise that everyone has enough Information on foods to look after themselves Physically.

Today we are going to discuss the Importance of feeding ourselves correct Information.

We are Information gatherers and we gather Information all the time.

We consume masses of Information about everything that Exists on our Planet.

We focus on whatever Information we Decide on.

This is our Choice.

The Information we gather can make us Happy or it can make us Unhappy.

This is the Quest of gathering Information.

We are totally Responsible for what we consider to be Important.

Our Emotions are connected to the Information we have gathered and give us Chemical Reactions within our Nervous System.

These Chemical Reactions have a direct affect on our Physical Health as well as our Mental Condition.

These Reactions Result in our Bodily functions being allowed to operate as nature intended or they interfere with Catastrophic Consequences.

We are mostly Unaware of how Catastrophic they are.

They are directly traced back to our Thoughts and the amount of focus we have given them.

The Placebo Effect is used in drug Experiments all the time the Placebo is a Test that has perhaps 40 people who are given Medication and 40 people who are given something like Sugar.

The amazing thing is some of those who take the Sugar are Healed.

This is common and baffles both Scientists and Chemists alike.

Why is that?

It is because the Person who is taking the Sugar Believes that he is taking a drug that will fix his Problem.

There is no other Conclusion because if there were the Results would not be as they are.

The Placebo Effect is proof that a Belief can heal an illness.

The only other Theory is that Sugar is the Cure some of us would like to Believe that. (could not resist it - editor)

The facts are that Emotions make up what we Believe and what we Believe is what affects the Healing.

The Importance we put on our Beliefs are what causes our Emotions to be strong or weak.

The strength of our beliefs affect the strength of the Emotion.

The Emotion affects our nervous system that affect our cells as well as our vital organs.

Continuous assaults on our nervous systems by our emotions are the cause of illness and Depression to mention just a few of the many problems that affect our overall Health.

The moment we realise we are not our emotions is the moment we stop effecting our Physical bodies as well as our mental state.

This is the message of PSYCHEGNOSIS is we are not our Emotions.

We are causing mayhem when we believe we are our thoughts.

Be more Healthy and stop connecting who you are to your minds - right NOW.

“There are only two ways to live your life: One is as though nothing is a miracle, The other is as though everything is a miracle. I believe in the latter.”
- Albert Einstein
( what the heck does he know anyway?)
More on Emotions tomorrow and how Depression does not exist? We invite you to join with us.

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