
Friday, April 26, 2024


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The Emotions of Life Investigated - Mans Inhumanity to Man explained? (Day 29)

The Emotions of Life Investigated - Mans Inhumanity to Man explained?

We are going to discuss our 29th day of our investigation into our EMOTIONS and our 29th day of our Adventure for those who have chosen to have the map of life laid out for them.

Our topic over the last 2 weeks has focused on the Mission Statement of this newspaper.

Mission Statement number 10 is our final Declaration on what we declare is the most Important message that Mankind has received in this modern age.

Mans Inhumanity to Man explained.

Mans Inhumanity to Man explained is something that proves beyond doubt that our dependence on our Thinking Minds being “who we are” only leads to acts of Insanity.

These acts of Insanity are well documented in the History books and individual records kept throughout the ages of Time.

As our discussion relates to our 10th Mission Statement we shall first remind ourselves of what it says :

10. Finally PSYCHEGNOSIS shall not take away or demean anything a person already Believes in but shall only enhance and add to what they have.

We Believe that peace shall be on the Earth as PSYCHEGNOSIS is brought forth.

When we see the atrocities of Mankinds Behaviour towards each other it is no wonder that most Human Beings are afraid of how we can survive as a species on this incredible Planet we call Earth.

When we look at how not so along ago in our so called Civilised Society we actually believed in Slavery.

We even taught from the pulpit’s of our Religious organisations and Parliamentary platforms that to practice Slavery was the will of God.

We actually Believed this Insanity along with other Insane Beliefs in our so called Civilised Society as being the way of TRUTH.

This is our Thinking Mind at its best - Insanity.

We can go on and on about the Insane Beliefs that Existed and still Exist in our own practises - if we are honest about it.

Why do we act in these Insane ways?

The answer is, we are a product of our Thinking Mind.

We have acted and will continue to have Insane Behaviours as long as Mankind is taught, that we are “who we think we are”.

We are in the grip of a terror campaign both in our Individual lives and within ALL Mankind in general, due to this erroneous Belief.

PSYCHEGNOSIS is the way to stop our Insane acts of Inhumanity - instantly.

PSYCHEGNOSIS is a True Law of the Universe the same as - every other Law of the Universe in the Physical World we dwell on.

Every Law is based on Cause and Effect.

This means that if we do not fall into line with any particular Law, we shall have chaos.

If for Example we do not adhere to the Law of Gravity, we end up in a bad way.

On the other hand we have progressed in amazing ways, when we have worked in Harmony with the Law of Gravity.

It is the same, when are working with the Law of PSYCHEGNOSIS.

Gravity was never understood until it was discovered and explained by Isaac Newton.

It had been put into practise and was used up to that point and had always been in Existence.

Then Newton came along and proceeded to explain how it worked.

He never manufactured or created it - he simply explained how it operated.

It is the same with the LAW of PSYCHEGNOSIS in that, we have used its concepts since the Beginning of Time.

We as a newspaper are merely explaining the process on how PSYCHEGNOSIS works.

ALL great Inventions would never have come into Existence, if the Inventors had not been Aware of the Unseen World, and how they were totally reliant on its forces.

This Awareness was totally unconnected to his/her Thinking Mind at the time of his/her CREATING THE INVENTION.

It is the same for Music and literature etc - the list goes on.

PSYCHEGNOSIS has given us the opportunity to stop our Insane Behaviours without any Effort on our part, other than Realising “we are not any” of the following :

1) Our EMOTIONS- because they are only a Communication between the Seen (Physical) and the Unseen World.

2) Our Thoughts - as they are simply a pieces of Information that may be relevant or not relevant.

3) An Idea- because every Idea, is only the Beginning of our understanding to whatever issue we are dealing with it.

It has no validity other than it is the start of our Thinking process.

4) Our “STORY” - as this is only what we have been taught and is not a Real Reality as such, unless it is in complete HARMONY WITH WHAT “IS”.

Our “STORY” is our biggest obstacle to having PEACE or HAPPINESS.

The Law of PSYCHEGNOSIS is our pathway to Peace.

It is for the Meek and the Humble - their day has come.

We end our review on the 10th Mission Statement with this Declarations :

“We declare that the information contained within this newspaper, that Mankind will discover Peace bu understanding the Law of PSYCHEGNOSIS”. It is as it “IS”.


Please watch the above video which explains the process of how and why we Behave the way we do.

These articles are only a very SHORT version of what PSYCHEGNOSIS has in store for us.

We will be finishing our 30 day look at Emotions tomorrow and we ask that we ALL read with an open mind the articles that are written.





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