
Friday, April 26, 2024


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The secret of how to stop thinking. (Part 2)

The secret of how to stop thinking.

The evidence put forth in Psychegnosis News since it began only a few short months ago, has proven the declaration that PSYCHEGNOSIS is truly a Natural Law of the Universe.

The messages explain why the connection we have with our THINKING MIND is our only PROBLEM .

There are almost 100 ( NOW OVER 1100) articles, covering this subject.

There will be many 100s more to be written.

We have discussed many emotional issues and given a solution to each and every one.

Psychegnosis News is a MESSENGER of good news.

When YOU have the time to go over these articles, YOU will see that they inspire your deepest innermost self.

They speak beyond human understanding, and give all who read them, a sense of arriving home.

I’ts like arriving back to somewhere we once were.

The information will immediately release us from our emotional pain.

They give a sense of freedom.

When the reality of finding out “who we are not” finally clicks, it creates a feeling of a “Heaven on Earth”.

These feelings are a witness to our Ego, that what we have read, is a release from the pain of our attachment to our mind, we have had for most of our lives.

They are the fruits of understanding PSYCHEGNOSIS.

The THINKING MIND controls all of the Human race.

It is advocated as the way forward.

Admittedly, thinking makes us unique, from all creation.

It is, when used in its proper manner helps us to communicate here in the PHYSICAL DOMAIN.

It has a SPECIFIC purpose.

That purpose is to hold information, and to gives us our individual personality.

It is great for all our communication purposes.

It is an absolute necessity for us to survive as Human Beings.

It must be used by us, NOT TO USE US.

Therein, lies the problem.

The most asked about QUESTION concerning the PSYCHEGNOSIS is - “how can I stop THINKING”?

Here are some of the REASONS that we (MANKIND) continue to hold onto our thoughts being our source of PEACE;

1) It is who I am.

2) When I think about not thinking I keep thinking more.

3) What do I replace my thoughts with?

These questions are asked because we fear change.

There is a very simple answer to all of them.


We shall discuss the answers tomorrow - due to this article appearing we shall be putting of our topic of Procrastination.

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