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“The TIME has Come”; NUMBER 11 of the MENU for PEACE. (We have the POWER to CREATE) (Part 129)


“The TIME has Come”; NUMBER 11 of the MENU for PEACE. (We have the POWER to CREATE) (Part 129)

The 11th and FINAL STATEMENT in our MENU for PEACE has INFORMATION that when ALIGNED with the other 10 STEPS will bring about 100% PEACE in the LIVES of ALL MANKIND without EXCEPTION.

Every one of the 11 STATEMENTS contains VITAL INGREDIENTS that when put together will PROVE that our THINKING MIND along with our PHYSICAL EMOTIONS are only RESOURCES and COMMUNICATE LINKS and NOT “who we are”.

We again have the MENU for those who are sincerely looking for PEACE published in FULL below.

It would be WISDOM indeed to READ the MENU as if it were for the first TIME.

This MENU is the FORMULA and the KEY to finding LASTING PEACE in MANKIND’S FUTURE.

WE BEGIN with the MENU;

1)“ It is important to understand that our body and mind are only part of our Physical self and not “who we are”.

2) It is very important to understand that our “STORY” is not “who we are”.

3) It is also very important to observe our whole bodily systems and realise how well they work when we do not bombard it with our thoughts.

4) It is imperative that we Live our lives in such a way that we are not constantly relating to the Past as our guide to what is possible.

5) The importance of being PRESENT at ALL times cannot be stressed enough.

6) We must study the facts that modern Science has revealed and realise that we are constantly changing and renewing our Cellular system.

7) We must acknowledge that we have been the cause of having less than 100% perfect Health in both our Physical and Mental condition.

8) We must learn to BREATHE properly once again.

This is imperative for the changes to take effect.

9) We are a product of our Thinking Mind and our beliefs which are stored in our Sub-conscious and we must realise that by observing we can initiate any changes in our lives we desire.

10) We must TRUST that we cannot rely anymore on our Thinking Mind to answer our Health issues.

It has had its chance.

11) “If it is to BE it is up to me”.


11) “If it is to BE it is up to me”.

The words that are contained within the 11th statement are IMPORTANT in that they REVEAL that we as INDIVIDUALS have a CHOICE to have PEACE or CONTINUE to be DOMINATED by our “STORY”.

The FREEDOM of CHOICE is given to MANKIND and UNLIKE the rest of CREATION we can BE, and BECOME, whatever we DESIRE.

The rest of NATURE is completely CONTROLLED by INSTINCT, and have very little CHOICE in how they exist here in the PHYSICAL realm.

ALL of MANKIND has UNFORTUNATELY been MISLED by BELIEVING the NON-SENSE that we are our EMOTIONAL VIBRATION, but now that The LAW of PSYCHEGNOSIS has been REVEALED, we as a RACE of HUMAN BEINGS can for the first TIME in HISTORY move forward and FULFILL the MEASURE of our CREATION.

By REALISING that we are NOT our EMOTIONAL OUTPUT, we have removed the BARRIER and have REGAINED the POWER, also our FREEDOM to CHOOSE our own DESTINY.

We ask that we read a previous publication from AUGUST 2009, and as has been the CASE during this SERIES, we DESIRE that you SHARE the INFORMATION with those we PROFESS to LOVE.


Saturday, August 08, 2009

“The Emotions of Life Investigated - our Creative powers is the only Fear we should have”.

We are now on day 8 of our 30 day Adventure and our 4th article on Fear.

This is a specially designed programme that shall take us to new levels of understanding.

That is why we should read ALL of the previous 7 days on Emotions before commencing on today’s article.

Those of us who think we are to smart not to read or follow through on what is asked are only creating more mayhem inside our nervous system.

We shall explain that we are Creators and that in not realising this we are causing our Creative powers to be out of control.

We are Creators of EVERYTHING that we have had happen in our lives.

We are amazing creatures because we have the ability to control our lives.

This is why we have to be aware of “who we are not”.

The Fear of realising that we Create our lives is the only real Fear we should Fear.

This Fear is Reality whereas Mind based Fear is based on Past or Future events.

The power to Create only exists within the Present moment

.This moment is ALL that can Create.

It is the basis of ALL of nature and is the factor of ALL the Universe.

The Past and Future are not REALITY.

They do not exist because they cannot be Creative.

The biggest obstacle in Past or Future events are that by dwelling on them we are not Creating in the Present moment.

This means that we are reliving experiences or having experiences that have not happened such as those in the Future.

We have no control over Past or Future events and each are a form of non-acceptance of what “IS”.

This is insanity and unfortunately is the way of ALMOST ALL mankind.

We are re-Creating events or Creating experiences that have either happened or that has not happened.

By focusing on the Past or Future there is only pain.

This pain is connected to our powers of Creation.

We are designed to Create and when we do not change our focus into the Present/Creative moment we are controlled by our Past or Future.

This Creative power then can only understand what it has experienced or what it thinks it will experience.

Therefore we depend on the Past experiences or the Future events to give us the Peace we desire.

In each of these they can only result in pain and more pain.

That is why we must stop depending on the Past or the Future because in them there is no possibility of Peace.

To become aware of our Creative powers we must not use our Thinking Minds to give us the answers.

The Thinking Mind cannot understand the Power that exists because it is “not who we are”.

We are not from the Physical realm.

We are living in the Physical world but in the Physical World everything is changing ALL the time.

When we allow our Thinking Mind to be in control we are not changing with ALL of Nature.

We are in fact dead even though we are still breathing

Those who understand, will understand - those who do not, will not.

At Psychegnosis News our responsibility is to take the great Law of PSYCHEGNOSIS to ALL mankind and we ask that we ALL become aware of our powers of Creation.

That we Fear the Past and the Future and start to live in Reality which is the Present/Creative moment.

This Fear will give us instant access to becoming “who we really are” and therefore fulfilling the measure of our Creation. It is as it “IS”END OF AUGUST 2009 ARTICLE.

The FACTS are that we are BETTER than we THINK we are.

The FACTS are that we can BE whatever we DESIRE to BE.

The FACTS are that the PHYSICAL DOMAIN is at our DISPOSAL and ALL we have to DO is REALISE that we are from the UN-SEEN WORLD, and that we are BETTER than we THOUGHT we were.

Welcome to REALITY. It is as it “IS”.

P.S Our FIRST BOOK is NOW ready to be PUBLISHED.

WE ASK THAT THOSE WHO WISH to put in their TESTIMONIALS please write to the EDITOR at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)


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