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“The TIME has Come”; WHY JEALOUSY is part of BEING in LOVE!(Part 39)


“The TIME has Come”; WHY JEALOUSY is part of BEING in LOVE!(Part 39)

ALL EMOTIONS are IMPORTANT no matter what EMOTION it may be.

It is PART of a process necessary to SURVIVE within the PHYSICAL DOMAIN.

MANKIND has UNFORTUNATELY categorised an EMOTION as either being BAD or GOOD depending on what our MINDS tell us.

This has led to CONFUSION within the HUMAN MIND because MANKIND teaches such NON-SENSE.

This SERIES of ARTICLES is INVESTIGATING the LOVE EMOTION and some of the other closely CONNECTED EMOTIONS that are BELIEVED to be LOVE.

One such EMOTION is JEALOUSY and why it is NOT a BAD EMOTION.

JEALOUSY is looked on by MANKIND as a CURSE when in FACT it is a BLESSING when UNDERSTOOD for what it is.

In an earlier PUBLICATION we EXPLAINED why this is the case.

Let us take a look at our NOVEMBER 2009 INVESTIGATIVE REPORT.

As we do so can we SHARE it with those we PROFESS to LOVE?

Let us BEGIN;

What can PSYCHEGNOSIS Free me from? :

Our Health - When can Jealousy be good for us?” ( Day 41 )

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Category - Health

“What can PSYCHEGNOSIS Free me from? : Our Health - When can Jealousy be good for us”?

We are on our final article on Jealousy for the Time being but we will be returning to this fascinating subject in Future issues.

The Importance of Understanding Jealousy has been Explained in some of its obvious roles in this Series and at a later Time we shall Explain the more subtle ways it has affected all of Mankind.

Please print of ALL the articles pertaining to Jealousy from Day 35 to this particular Publications.

When they are put together they will Enlighten ALL those who read them.

Most of the knowledge is new to Mankind and the Information is not available in any books that are written except perhaps in a veiled or obscure manner.

We Believe what we are Revealing will bring instant Peace to every person who has an open mind.

We are ALL under the “illusion” of our Emotions and Jealousy has its uses in the grand scheme of things.

Like ALL Emotions Jealousy is a great Blessing when it is Understood for what it is WHICH IS a Communication between the Seen and the Unseen Worlds.

Communication is Important here in the Physical Domain and ALL Emotions are to be used for that very Important purpose.

Without Emotions we could not survive here in the Physical World.

When we see Emotions to be what they were meant for we shall not be afraid anymore.

When we see that they do indeed give us a greater uUderstanding here in the Physical World we shall appreciate ALL our Emotions.

When we see that Jealousy is a necessary Communicative part of ALL that IS we shall Love this Emotion

Jealousy is Important for at least three reasons ;

1) It allows us to become Aware of our Responsibilities to those we Love.

Not in a Possessive way but in a way that allows us to help them.

2) Jealousy gives us the impetus to look at the needs of our fellow men and see that we are ALL part of each other.

This allows us to feel there is more to Life than what we previously Thought.

3) Jealousy is a great Motivation to overcoming Procrastination,is that not interesting?

We shall explain why in a Future issue!

ALL of the above Statements will give us the strength of Character needed to overcome our weaknesses beyond what we Thought were possible.

This is the role that Jealousy plays in the Physical Domain.

It is not a weakness but is in fact the greatest Emotion we can have to realising our responsibility to ALL Mankind.

Jealousy is the Motovational factor in bringing about the Procreatiion of the Human species.

Men and Woman are brought together by Jealousy.

The good that man has inside him stems from Jealousy in its correct form.

The Emotion of Jealousy is an Important Emotion.

Emotions bring is to the full potential of our Physical Existence and every Emotion has a purpose way beyond what we Realise.

This Life would not and cannot be Understood without Emotions.

We have as a Race of people have Misunderstood the Reason for Emotions by connecting whom we are to these Feelings.

Wise men in days gone Past tried to Explain that “we are not our “Emotions but were killed by those who were connected to their Emotions.

This lie of lies (that we are our EMOTIONS) has continued to dominate Mankinds teachings in every Country of the so called civilised World.

We can change instantly we realise that “we are not who” we Think we are.

This Information about Jealousy Explains what was meant when we read in the Bible that God is a Jealous God.

Up until now that verse has baffled the greatest scholars and Bible Historians.

It is simple to Understand when we see it in the way it should be read.

The Problem was that the Thinking Mind could not Understand.

The World Believes Jealousy to be a Curse.

We at Psychegnosis News say it is a great Blessing when it is Understood for what it IS - an Emotion.

We shall leave it at this point but we shall as previously promised return to Jealousy at a later date.

The importance of our so called Green Eyed monster has still a great part to play in Future issues.

We ask that we ALL Appreciate this Emotion along with ALL our other Emotions for what they are - our Emotions ! It is as it “IS”. END OF NOVEMBER 2009 ARTICLE.

As can be SEEN from the above ARTICLE that JEALOUSY is part of our LIBRARY of CHOICES.


There is NO NEED for THERAPY or MEDICATION to control our JEALOUSY.

Those who UNDERSTAND will UNDERSTAND. It is as it “IS”.

TOMORROW more on LOVE based EMOTIONS. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) PLEASE SUBSCRIBE and receive a NEW ARTICLE EVERY DAY. IT IS FREE.

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