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The Trial of PSYCHEGNOSIS - PSYCHEGNOSIS, what’s it all about anyway? (Day 17)

The Trial of PSYCHEGNOSIS - PSYCHEGNOSIS, what’s it all about anyway?

We have reached out 17th day of our Trial and we have discussed the validly of the claim that PSYCHEGNOSIS is a True Law of the Universe in great detail.

All our evidence is taken from the online newspaper the Psychegnosis News.

We would like to go over some of the articles that were written as material evidence that there is nothing else in existence that can bring about the promises that PSYCHEGNOSIS makes to bringing about Worldwide Peace.

We are going to look at at part of an article written on Tuesday, March 17, 2009 to show what PSYCHEGNOSIS is all about.

We ask that ALL who read this ask themselves is there any Philosophy that exists on the Earth that allows ALL mankind to be what they are and at the same time have the Peace we ALL desire?

Let us look at what was published on the 17th March 2009 :

We at the editorial desk would like to emphasise some of the claims PSYCHEGNOSIS makes.

Here is a list of them with an explanation.

1) PSYCHEGNOSIS is a new word made up of PSYCHE which is the reality behind who we think we are.

The second part is taken from the Greek word GNOSIS which is knowledge.

Therefore PSYCHEGNOSIS is a knowledge or understanding of the person behind who we think we are.

We live in the Physical world where the emphasis is on trying to repair who we are not.

Its impossible because the - real us - is SPIRITUAL.

2) It claims to be a Natural LAW in the same way as Gravity is.

This is important because if it is TRUE then it matters in the grand scale of things.

If it is not TRUE then it matters not one whit.

Its evidence lies in the change that results from realising who we are not and the instant feeling of Freedom it gives.

The LAW of sowing and planting must be used in finding out this Spiritual TRUTH.

If we plant any seed the reality of the seed is revealed as it grows.

We cannot plant potatoes and expect roses.

It just does not happen Everything has its own results.

It is the same with PSYCHEGNOSIS - its claim to TRUTH are its FRUITS.

These FRUITS are instant PEACE and perfect Harmony with all that is around us or all that IS.

We challenge EVERYONE to put it to the test.

3) It is a vital part of all that we do - is another claim it makes.

This is easily proven, as it is imperative that LIFE is lived.

LIFE is here and now - not what has passed or what is to come.

It is right NOW. PSYCHEGNOSIS tells us that thinking is based on a past mode or a future situation.

To eliminate THINKING as we live life, gives us the FULL FORCE OF LIFE.

This life-force is what makes whatever we are doing at that moment have incredible momentum.

It takes us beyond thought (past or future events) into LIFE itself.

Again the fruits of this claim are for you to see.

Try it.

4) It claims it has no allegiance to any Religion or self help or motivational organisation.

PSYCHEGNOSIS has been mis-understood for all of the afore mentioned mind-sets.

It is NONE of them.

At the the same time EACH of these organisations would excel if they incorporated PHSYCHEGNOSIS.

The understanding of who we are not is the key.

So again PSYCHEGNOSIS asks that we look at the FRUITS of what it claims by putting its claim to the test.

5) It claims to bring PEACE to all individually and to all mankind.

This claim is the ultimate result of PSYCHEGNOSIS and it is a major reason to investigate it further.

It is up to everyone to make this choice.

The above CLAIMS are made for us ALL to put to the test.

We at Psychegnosis News would like to hear from you, the reader, your findings.

We shall publish ALL results be they for or against PSYCHEGNOSIS.

We fear no investigation.

We wish all mankind PEACE.

The above was written on 17th March 2009 and it applies today.

It explain the mission of PSYCHEGNOSIS and we will be going over the points one by one over the next few days.

We ask that we ALL print of todays article and use it as a reference point so that we can follow the Trail in its entirety.

We are as it says above - not afraid to declare that PSYCHEGNOSIS is a Law of the Universe.

It is as it IS.

The Trial continues tomorrow with looking closely at the above piece of material evidence.

There are still loads of EVIDENCE to be revealed.

We advise ALL to print and keep this information to use in the summing up. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) ALL Questions and comments are replied to.

Procrastination may be our next piece of evidence.

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