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The Trial of PSYCHEGNOSIS - Q & A’: PSYCHEGNOSIS takes out Brainwashing from Religion (Day 14)

The Trial of PSYCHEGNOSIS - Q & A; Psychegnosis takes out Brainwashing from Religion .

We are on the 14th day of the Trial and our Question & Answer today will eradicate the perception that PSYCHEGNOSIS is Anti-Religious.

It will also show that all Religions will benefit from introducing the concepts taught by “The Law of PSYCHEGNOSIS”.

Religion is an important part of Human development as well giving us our Traditions and the wonderful diversity that exists on our beautiful Planet.

We would like to commend the sincerity of ALL those who are involved in Religion, and we realise that the World is a better place for the endeavours made by Religious people in trying to achieve Peace.

Today’s evidence is written below, and we ask that all our readers print this evidence and keep it with the other 13 days, as part of the summing up, which will take place at the end of the Trial.

Let us look at the Question&Answer that was published some months ago in this newspaper :


PSYCHEGNOSIS is non-denominational and declares that it takes nothing away from what anyone believes.

The important ingredient PSYCHEGNOSIS adds, is a person will become more sincere and realise when their “illusion” is evident.

Hypocrisy and Judging others would be eliminated amongst other things.

We are certain that all sincere people would welcome this in their organisation, be it Religious or otherwise.

The above Answer tells us that “PSYCHEGNOSIS is non-denominational, and declares that it takes nothing away from what anyone believes”.

This is vital in our defence of PSYCHEGNOSIS being a True Law of the Universe, because we explain that it applies to all of Mankind, and is not exclusive to anyone, as it adds to the overall performance that Religion offers.

The importance of understanding PSYCHEGNOSIS is the key to be Free from the dangers of Brainwashing that Religion can bring.

Any Religion that teaches that they are the only ones who have the authority to communicate with the Un-Seen World are in danger of the devastation caused by Brainwashing .

We declare that, when we as Human Beings understand “who we are not”, we shall overcome Brainwashing, instantly.

Then we can move towards the main reason for Religion and have the Peace that the founders of our Religions intended.

This is what they desired, and should be the goal of all Religious people.

PSYCHEGNOSIS has within its concepts the answer to the challenges that all Religions have in modern society.

The Churches of men are being taken over by fanatics, and the Meek and the Humble have no where to go.

Our statement - “The important ingredient PSYCHEGNOSIS adds, is a person will become more sincere and realise when their “illusion” is evident.”

This statement when understood, will give back Religion to those who are Meek and Humble once more.

It is impossible to be a fanatic or be a hypocrite when we fully realise, “we are not” our Thinking Mind.

We must explain also at this time, that people who are hypocritical and fanatical cannot help their behaviour, because they are quite simply controlled by powerful Emotions that they believe they are.

So let no one Judge them, because they do not know, what they are doing.

It is a result of the “illusion” having control.

Our final sentence in our answer, is as follows - “We are sure all sincere people would welcome this in their organisation be it Religious or otherwise.”

We are reassuring all Religions that PSYCHEGNOSIS has the best intentions for all of Mankind.

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