
Friday, April 26, 2024


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The uselessness of Analysis : PSYCHEGNOSIS is our Communication between the Seen and the Unseen!

The uselessness of Analysis : PSYCHEGNOSIS is our Communication between the Seen and the Unseen!

The uselessness of Analysis has now reached number 8 in the series and we ask that we ALL read the previous 7 so that we can better understand what is being written today.

We are going over very important information relating to what is causing mayhem in the Physical World we live in.

That Mankind’s way of handling any kind of stress and trauma through Analysis will bring about nothing but more pain and suffering.

Each day we are have pointed out why Analysis without the Law PSYCHEGNOSIS at its very core does not work and is as we say useless.

We are if you like explaining in minute detail why the whole must come to a realisation of who they are not or the World we live in will implode from within.

ALL Wars and disagreements as well as hatred between Nations are caused by not having an understanding that we are not who we think we are.

Over the next few days we shall be explaining why PSYCHEGNOSIS is the only permanent solution to every problem that Mankind has.

We are not here to apportion blame on anyone or any organisation.

It does not take a genius to see that Mankind is heading to catastrophe and complete annihilation if we do not have a radical change on how we deal with Mental trauma.

Everywhere we look we see the result of people living their lives in pain and Mental suffering because of their connection to their Emotions being who they are.

We are looking at our first Statement from an article written way back in April 2009 which will help us to understand that PSYCHEGNOSIS is not from the PHYSICAL World we live in.

The first of what PSYCHEGNOSIS “is not” explains that it “is not” a Theology.

Let us now begin with our first Statement from April 2009 article which as usual is in BOLD TYPE below ;

“Thursday, April 02, 2009

Category - What is Psychegnosis

“PSYCHEGNOSIS - what on Earth is it?
Thursday, April 02, 2009

Category - What is Psychegnosis

PSYCHEGNOSIS - what on Earth is it?

Since it was first published in January of this year the question has been raised by what name or category is PSYCHEGNOSIS actually defined under?

It is an interesting question that requires investigation.

It claims it is a new word.

Also, in its Mission Statement it tells us that it is a Natural or Universal Law in the same way as other laws such as Gravity.

The article we are about to write should help the world understand where it can be pigeonholed.

To make it simple we shall number each banner it may be put under.

1) Theology: is as this dictionary definition says - The study of the nature of God and Religious Truth; rational inquiry into religious questions.

PSYCHEGNOSIS has no Religious affiliation.

As for the nature of God and giving answers to Religious questions - only you the readers can answer that because Religion is such a personal issue.

Perhaps theology is not the complete answer to our original question of what PSYCHEGNOSIS can be categorised as.

What we can say is that if you have Religious questions PSYCHEGNOSIS helps to clarify them.”

ALL Religions were created for Mankind by well meaning people from a Past or Present era.

They are ALL good and have contributed to bringing about harmony within the various communities that exist in the Physical World.

They are also a major factor in bringing disharmony when they are given the stamp of approval as being the only way to live.

To believe we have the God given right to kill our fellow Himan Beings because they do not believe what we believe is insanity of the highest degree.

Religion is not from the unseen World it is solely mans way of trying to understand who and what God has planned for us.

So PSYCHEGNOSIS is non-religious in that it has no bearing on anything that is taught within any Religious organisation.

We declare that without PSYCHEGNOSIS being part of any RELIGION belief will lead to insane behaviour due to believing we have the only way to Heaven.

That our insanity from not having PSYCHEGNOSIS within our beliefs will only increase tensions within the many differing viewpoints that are in the World.

It is the same with any Analysis in any kind of Therapy, if it does not have the Law of PSYCHEGNOSIS it shall only lead to insanity.

We make no excuses for what we have just written. We stand by the above Statement and every other Statement made within the pages of our newspaper.

As was said earlier it does not take a genius to see that what Mankind is doing to itself will bring about the annihilation of our beautiful planet if we do not become aware of where the problem lies.

It must STOP NOW before it is to late. It is as it IS.

The next Statement from our April 2009 article will be our topic tomorrow. email comments to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)


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