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What can PSYCHEGNOSIS Free me from?: Absolute Truth -  the meaning of a Mystery revealed (Day 56)

What can PSYCHEGNOSIS Free me from?: Absolute Truth - the meaning of a Mystery revealed

Whenever Wise men in days gone by have tried to get Mankind to understand what life is actually about the carriers of the message have lost the meaning in their interpretation.

This is the case as we discuss today’s headline about the meaning of the word MYSTERY.

As Absolute Truth is connected not so much to the Physical domain as it does to the Un-Seen World, our topic is taken from : Absolute-Truth - what is it? Friday, February 20, 2009 and we ask that we have our printouts ( Days 53 to 55) at the ready so this article will be easier to comprehend.

As we read the next Statement from the February publication, please keep in mind the word Mystery because its meaning will truly amaze us:

“It may seem at first to be an obscure and unusual way to be given the answer.

If we read the article a few times more it will become clear.

Therein lies the solution.

Let us explain this analogy and how it was reached.

The “illusion” wants our minds to solve all issues in life by thinking.

This leads to a conclusion about everything we ask in our minds, to be answered, by our minds.

Please re-read that last line again

Our minds are made up of thoughts, and the experiences we have accumulated in our limited lives, here in this wonderful world.

So how can it answer a question that is SPIRITUAL in nature?

It is separate from all things and sees no connection with ALL THINGS.

ALL THINGS meaning on this occasion - “our oneness with all of creation”.

For us to get the best answer or as near an answer to the Truth we as Humans can, we must look at the results of where we get our answers.

The basis of our Thinking Minds has led us to nothing but pain and sorrow.

The results of not using our Thinking Minds are the following - A clarity of mind - A lightness in our whole systems- all resulting in Peace.

PSYCHEGNOSIS allows us to be free from -who we believe we are- and the reward is instant Peace.

We can try it out for ourselves.“

The above which is printed in bold is our final part in the article but we shall be discussing its content fo the next couple of days.

There is still a lot of information to be revealed.

We ask that we keep in mind the word MYSTERY as we read the folowing Statement it will greatly enlighten ALL who do so.

The word MYSTERY taken directly from the dictionary is : mystery - A religious truth that is incomprehensible to reason and knowable only through divine revelation.

As we can see the word MYSTERY has a meaning that has been lost in its interpretation from its original concept.

The real meaning of a MYSTERY is a revealed Truth from the Un-Seen World.

The meaning of life is then revealed as a MYSTERY to those who understand they are not their Thinking Minds.

The meaning of life is then revealed as a MYSTERY to those who realise they are not who they think they are.

The meaning of life is then revealed as a MYSTERY and will unfold to ALL Mankind the instant they become aware that they are not their Emotions or Experiences.

The change from believing we cannot understand things from the Un-Seen World will automatically transform to the reality of - we can understand everything from the Un-Seen World.

This is only possible when we know we are not who we think we are.

We would like to ask ALL our readers to look in the mirror and ask the following Questions while at the same time going over in their minds the real meaning of the word MYSTERY. :

1) Where has my Thinking Mind led me when I have given it the responsibility of running my life?

2) When do I feel most at Peace - is it when I’m deep in thought or when I look at the Reality of what is outside my mind?

3) Am I really happy when I’m focused on what I think I want or do I feel a Peace when I belong to ALL that IS?

These are only a few of the Questions that will be revealed to each of us individually as the MYSTERY of life enters our lives.

We desire ALL Mankind to partake of the revealed Truth of what MYSTERY actually means. It is as it IS.

More tomorrow on todays Statement as there is much more ro be revealed.  Comments please to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  Has the MYSTERY of Procrastination entered anyones LIFE yet?

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