
Wednesday, April 24, 2024


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What can PSYCHEGNOSIS Free me from? : Absolute Truth - who are we to Judge our fellow man?  (Day 58)

What can PSYCHEGNOSIS Free me from? : Absolute Truth - who are we to Judge our fellow man?

We would like to discuss one of our “illusions” favourite obsessions - Judging everyone and everything.

As it is the last in the present series which began on Day 53 about Absolute Truth we would hope that we have an open mind while we read the following article.

Our discussion has been taking a Statement per day and explaining the relevant teachings therein.

We should have All the printouts from Days 53 to 57 so that a proper understanding can be gained about this important subject.

The last of our statements is printed below in bold type but before we read it we should ask this Question :

Why is it an insane action to rely on our Thinking Minds to be our Judge and Jury?

Let us commence with Statement :

“The “illusion” wants our minds to solve all issues in life by thinking.

This leads to coming to a conclusion about everything we ask in our minds to be answered by our minds.”

Everywhere we look in the Physical World we see people Judging one another.

Everywhere we look in the Physical World we see ourselves and our fellow Human Beings feeling bad about what Life has given them.

Everywhere we see what we Judge to be unhappiness.

It is what we see and not what actually IS.

What actually IS is not how we see it.

What actually IS cannot be understood by our Thinking Mind because our Thinking Mind can only evaluate how we see it.

Our Thinking Mind is not at fault.

To Judge is part of the responsibilities we give our Thinking Mind and it searches for an Answer as best it can.

It gives its assessment which is based on the information it has within its storage unit.

Unfortunately it is seldom if ever correct.

The reason it is seldom (if ever) correct is that we are Judging solely on what we think it should be like or what we think it should be doing or what we consider to be the correct way.

Judging everything we see as bad or good keeps us in subjection to “who we think we are”.

Judging everything is only keeping our “illusion” of “who we think we are “in control of our lives.

Judging people will prevent us from ever finding Peace.

Our Statement today reflects what happens in ourselves when we allow our Thinking Minds to be the controller of our lives.

It causes us to come to a conclusion about everything.

It does not allow us to have an open mind.

It does not allow us to have an open mind because it constantly comes up with the wrong Answers.

It does not allow us to have an open mind because it assesses everything from the information it has received within our storage unit.

It does not allow us to have an open mind because it has control of “who we are”at that moment in time.

This article is the most important article in this series and when understood will give us the Peace promised by the Law of PSYCHEGNOSIS without any effort.

No need for special mind sets or strategies to overcome being “who we think we are”, it takes us just to realise we are not “who we think we are.”

Simple, but True.

We at Psychegnosis News would like to announce that by becoming aware of how LIFE IS we need never Judge anyone or anything ever again.

We would like to further announce to Mankind that we shall find instant Peace both on an individual and Worldwide basis the moment we realise “we are not our” Thinking Mind.

To be Free from Judging everyone and everything life gives us shall open up what life has to offer is perhaps the greatest blessing a person can have.

One of the signs that someone is living and applying the Law of PSYCHEGNOSIS is that they will STOPJudging.

It is as it IS.

We shall be discussing a new topic tomorrow which shall be SELFISHNESS. It will be very interesting indeed and that’s a promise! All comments please to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

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