
Wednesday, April 24, 2024


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What can PSYCHEGNOSIS Free me from?: Absolute Truth - Why do Questions bring about Peace?(Day 57)

What can PSYCHEGNOSIS Free me from?: Absolute Truth - Why do Questions bring about Peace?

Psychegnosis News has since its inception asked Questions to bring about changes within our Sub-conscious. The reason for this is that the Thinking Mind does not like Questions especially ones that require change.

The reason we ask Questions is our focus today and we ask that printouts from Days 53 to 56 are within easy reach as these articles are important for us ALL to have the necessary results we need.

We ask that those readers who perhaps doubt the claims made within this newspaper read what we have to say and put it to the test. We promise that an instant change will take place within both your body and mind.

We are looking at our article published on : Absolute-Truth - what is it? on Friday, February 20, 2009. We have reviewed each Statement in detail and we shall continue with the following :

“For us to get the best answer or as near an answer to the Truth we as Humans can, we must look at the results of where we get our answers. The basis of our Thinking Minds has led us to nothing but pain and sorrow.

The results of not using our Thinking Minds are the following - A clarity of mind - A lightness in our whole systems- all resulting in Peace. PSYCHEGNOSIS allows us to be free from -who we believe we are- and the reward is instant Peace. We can try it out for ourselves.“

Mankind has not asked the right Questions so therefore has not been given the right Answers when it comes to finding Peace. The reason for that is simple - it believes it already has the Answers in its Philosophies and teachings within its Thinking Mind.

This bumptious and arrogant attitude is the barrier and the cause of Mankind’s divisions whether they are on an individual or on a Worldwide scale. The dependence put on the Thinking Mind being who we are has led us not to ask some very important Questions needed so we can be Free from the nonsense of believing we are our Emotions.

We would like us ALL to start from today and ask a Question per day while looking into a mirror. These Questions will instantly Free us from our in-depth Sub-conscious beliefs that control our every move.

These penetrative Questions will allow us to give our Thinking Mind the place it originally was intended for which was to be our storage and information centre. We at Psychegnosis News promise that every Question asked will lead to more inner Peace.

The Questions that matter are the Questions that matter to the individual concerned but there are some general or Universal Questions that ALL of Mankind can ask. We would like today to give some of them. Here are a few to begin with :

1) Do I really believe I am better/worse than any of my fellow Human Beings?

2) Am I Superior/ inferior to someone because of the land of my birth?

3) Does my skin colour give me a Superiority/ inferiority to my fellow Human Beings.

4) Do I consider my looks/age etc to be so important that they make me Superior/ inferior to my fellow Human Beings.

5) Does my education or lack of it make me Superior/ inferior to those around me?

6) Do I realise that by criticising my fellow Human Beings I’m being BUMPTIOUS AND ARROGANT.

7) Do I consider another fellow Human Beings so called weaknesses and frailties are worse than my own weaknesses and frailties so therefore it make me superior to them?


Each Question when asked will give a feeling of Freedom. This feeling of Freedom is Freeing us from the nonsense that controls us. Each Question is designed to give each of us Peace. We dare anyone to deny that this is so.

The Thinking Mind does not like Questions like the above. Those who profess that we are our Thinking Mind do not like Questions like the ones we are asking here. Which is a very good reason to keep asking them!

We at Psychegnosis News will be asking a Question a day pertaining to whatever article is published that day. We ask that each day each reader asks these Questions with sincerity because they will indeed give instant Peace.

We must warn ALL our readers that the story you believe at this time as being who you are will be removed and the real you will start to make decisions. We further warn you that a Peace shall enter your very nervous systems that will change your very health. This is our promise to ALL Mankind. It is as it IS.

We would like to finish our series on our February article tomorrow.

Those readers who would like to participate in our Health Adventure can they please email the Editor asap. It will be starting shortly. We ask those people with Health issues as well as those who believe they are healthy to take part - even those with serious ailments including Cancers etc. It is going to be an amazing ADVENTURE where miracles beyond Miracles will be the result. Please apply NOW to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

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