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What can PSYCHEGNOSIS Free me from? ; Can Romance last a LIFETIME?  (Day 14)

What can PSYCHEGNOSIS Free me from? ; Can Romance last a LIFETIME?

Romance is the most elusive and desired after Emotion that exists within the Physical World.

It is the most powerful of ALL Emotions.

It is the most difficult to sustain.

It has the most traumatic affect on our nervous system.

Romance is one of the most exciting and exhilarating Emotions and is the most sought after part of Love.

The Question is can it exist for a lifetime?

Our article today is part of our study of Real Love which has been discussed over the previous four days and reviewing these before commencing on today’s article will be beneficial.

We ask that we read the following Statement taken from our publication on Day 10 titled “What can PSYCHEGNOSIS Free me from?” :

“We met our first partner and we began a Romance with an understanding way beyond anything that we had ever Experienced in our lives before.

We were full of enthusiasm that was also beyond anything we had previously encountered .

We shared our innermost secrets with them.

We felt Emotions so powerful we could not believe how good we felt about even the slightest detail of our new found Love.

Then it all came to an end.


We at Psychegnosis News believe it is possible to have these incredible Emotions, all of the time.

We declare to the World that it is possible to have Real Love every moment of our Lives.

Not only do we believe it is possible to have these most incredible feelings for the rest of our lives we also declare we can control them so they do not cause mayhem within our nervous systems.

We can prove it.

We have complete control over any EMOTION when we Realise that it is only an Emotion.

We repeat this very important Statement ;


It does not matter what Emotion we have.

It does not matter how much we think about something.

It does not matter if it has caused chaos in our minds previously.

The instant we Realise it is only an Emotion and NOT “who we are”,we have complete control.

This Realisation is imperative because we are playing Russian Roulette otherwise.

We as Human Beings are designed to fall in Love.

It is part of our D.N.A.

It is a desire that flows in our veins.

The Human Race would not and could not exist without this powerful Emotion.

It is perfectly understandable to believe we are this Emotion because of its influence within our nervous system.

The problem is not the Emotion of Romantic Love itself because it is indeed an amazingly powerful Emotion it is believing it is “who we are.”

We can be Free from the affects of falling in Romantic Love.

Let us discuss first of all the reasons we have failed to hold on to those Magic moments.

We have ALL Experienced falling in Love or we shall Experience it if we have not done so yet.

It is a whirlwind Experience that takes our whole nervous system by complete surprise.

It affects every part of our Physical bodies as well as our Mental reactions.

We are mesmerised to the point that we tell everyone we meet how we feel.

We cannot see any fault in the person we have fallen in Love with.

We are in what we consider the Promised land.

When we are in this condition for the first time no one can reach us and our Emotion is in complete control.

When we look back we wonder how we survived to tell the tale!

The Emotion of Romantic Love was out of our control but it felt so good we did not care.

Then it all came crashing to the ground.

Our great dream turned into a nightmare.

We quite simpy crash landed and the effects are embazoned in our very souls.

We have never forgetten.

This is where we shall leave our discussion for today.

We will continue tomorrow by looking at how we do not need to EXPERIENCE any more pain or give anyone pain from falling in Love.

We ask that we ALL Realise what this article has revealed.

It is the Truth.

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