
Friday, April 26, 2024


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What can PSYCHEGNOSIS Free me from? : Guilt & Health. - Good or Bad Vibrations? Part 4 ( Day 30 )

What can PSYCHEGNOSIS Free me from? : Guilt & Health. - Good or Bad Vibrations?

Today is a day when we can look at back in our lives as the day we decided to take control of our destiny in that we will have gained the most important information available in understanding “who we are” and realising “who we are not”.

Please read carefully the following.

Our role on this Earth has been explained in detail so far in our previous articles starting from Day 20 onwards.

We ask that we print this article and review the information that we have published thus far as they are very important in understanding about how Guilt effects our Health.

Yesterday we printed 5 Questions.

These Questions are like ALL the Questions we ask about the unseen World they are of great importance.

Questions allow our Thinking Minds to get used to not playing the part of the Choirmaster.

It was designed for storage and information not to be “who we are.”

All of the Questions are relevant in that we are asking the unseen World about the cellular activity within our bodies.

We shall review each Question over the next 5 days beginning with Question 1 :

1) When did my cells start to become defective and why is my D.N.A. defective and is the way it is?

This Question may confuse some of our readers so we shall explain how our body communicates.

We are changing constantly in the Physical World.

We start aging from the moment we take our first breath.

This is perfectly natural.

We are made up of an incredibly intricate network of synchronised information that makes up the body we see in the mirror.

This information is stored in what we call our cells.

There are over 50 trillion cells that make up our individual bodies.

This is a Scientific fact, which is amazing. (These is loads of information on the internet for those readers wishing an in-depth research on how many there are. Ed)

Cells are our communication link and they are if you want to be exact “who we are” here in the Physical World.

They are dying and being replaced every second of our lives.

It is truly amazing to know that we are alive.

The cells are being controlled by our central nervous system and need very little help except for the proper food intake to work.

We should not interfere with the process - but we do.

Our cells also carry information.

The information they carry are from thousands of years of Human experiences that is carried forward from our ancestors.

This information is what makes up our individuality and characteristics from our fore-bearers.

The cells make up “who we are” in the Physical World.

It is not possible to give ALL the information available at this time but we shall be discussing more in future articles but for now it shall be suffice to say that we are an amazing piece of intelligent information.

Our cells communicate between each other at speeds unknown to man.

The information runs our whole systems.

They are totally synchronised.

There is only one thing that allows them to be tampered with - our THINKING MINDS.

We can decide to sent information from our Thinking Mind to our central nervous system that causes a reaction.

Every command is instantly obeyed by the trillions of cells that make up “who we are” in the Physical sense of the word.

They are at our beck and call.

We as Humans are the creators of our destiny.

Emotions are the end result of the reaction caused by a single thought.

Each Emotion is information that we store within our Sub-conscious.

We never forget anything passed to our Sub-conscious.

These Emotions are what we have been taught is “who we are” and therein lies the problem.

We cause a reaction within our cellular make up every time we think.

What we go over in our minds that has happened in the Past causes our nervous system chaos.

Its a miracle we do not explode by the nonsense we keep sending to our nervous systems.

This is where we must begin to make changes.

When we realise the damage we are causing by going over the same stories in our heads we are damaging our cells.

Our ancestors did not have this information and it was not their faults that they passed on damaged cells to us.

After reading what you are reading we can reverse the process.

Once we realise we are not our Emotions the cells can start to work properly once again.

The process of change starts instantly.

This is what happens when so called Miracles happen.

We shall explain in more detail over the next few days but for now let us realise that our Thinking Mind is not to be given the role of the Choirmaster and ALL shall be well. It is as it IS.

The importance of this information cannot be stressed enough and we ask that we print each article pertaing to Health and Guilt and keep them because if not we may become lost as we continue with each days articles.

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