
Tuesday, April 16, 2024


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What can PSYCHEGNOSIS Free me from? : Observance not Effort brings better Health. ( Day 2 )

“What can PSYCHEGNOSIS Free me from? : Observance not Effort brings better Health”.

We are looking at what is the most important part of our Physical existence, which is our MENTAL and PHYSICAL Health.

We at Psychegnosis News believe that to bring about good Health, it is an absolute necessity to understand how the Human body works.

It does not mean, that we need to know every part of our Anatomy.

It simply means we should understand what effects the process, of how how our body works.

This is where Observance, comes into the scenario.

The amazing thing about having good Health depends on understanding that our systems not only need food and sleep to be Healthy, but also that is must be allowed to work properly, as nature intended.

By this it is meant, that when we realise that our thoughts create chemical reactions within our nervous systems, we become the cause of unnecessary illness and premature death.

When we are allowing our nervous system to be bombarded with Emotion after Emotion coming from our Thinking Mind, we are the catalyst for these unnecessary events.

We can stop this happening, only when we become aware of it.

This awareness is when we observe our bodies reaction to events that happen within our Thinking Mind.

When our Past experiences are constantly being told over and over again both VERBALLY and within our MIND, we are creating chemicals, over and over again.


We are not our Past experiences, nor are we our Future thoughts.

This Truth is evident but strangely enough the Thinking Mind seems to be able to continue this lie throughout the many lands that exist in the Physical World we dwell on.

It is taught in our great Universities and Schools of learning that we are “who we think we are”.

It is “THE LIE OF LIES”, and is the REASON that Mankind is suffering both PHYSICALLY and MENTALLY.


We as Human Beings are not our thoughts or Emotions, because our thoughts and Emotions, are only what we have experienced.

When our ancestors behaved in this insane behaviour of constantly thinking of Past events, this weakened our immune system, and this INSANITY was carried on from one Generation of Mankind onto the next, through our D.N.A.

.Unless we begin to realise this, it will continue to weaken our immune system, onto the next Generation of Mankind.

The Question is, what is the cure or how can we prevent this insanity continuing?

We at Psychegnosis News would like to give this simple solution to this important Question :

“We must learn to Observe”.

This is all that is required.

No effort.

No analysis.

No trying to blame anyone or anything.
ust to simply Observe and see things as they are.

When we do this a sudden change happens within our whole nervous systems.

It is Truly amazing.

It is amazing because when we Observe what our minds are doing by constantly going over and over Past and Future events, we see that they are causing our nervous system to recreate chemicals, that are causing our ill Health.

Observance is the antidote, to this constant bombardment on our NERVOUS SYSTEM.

This brings back total synchronicity to our whole body, and allows the healing process to come into immediate effect.

It gives back the authority of “who we are”, to its rightful owner.

The rightful owner of our body is not our Thinking Mind.

The rightful owners are the same owners who came into the World, and joined with our PHYSICAL BODY.

The rightful owner is Mother Nature who provided the vehicle (OUR PHYSICAL BODY) for us to DWELL in while we are here in the Physical World.

It knows EXACTLY, how to look after us.

The Thinking Mind is the imposter.

It is not the Thinking Minds fault.

When we Observe - we see the Truth.

When we see things as they actually are - we suddenly stop the insane behaviour.

When we Observe - we do not Judge.

When we Observe - we become FREE. It is as it IS.

Tomorrow is a new day and a new article. We shall be discussing our Health and how we can be Free from the consequences of taking pills and Therapies both Mental and Physical. Please email any questions or comments to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

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