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What can PSYCHEGNOSIS Free me from? : Our Health -  Jealousy or Who we can be? ( Day 40 )

What can PSYCHEGNOSIS Free me from? : Our Health - Jealousy or Who we can be?

Our concern with what has happened or what is going to happen in our lives is our topic today and how Jealousy keeps us away from becoming who we can be.

This article is connected to our previous publications from Days 35 to 38.

If we are sincerely looking for an answer to our connection to Jealousy it would be wisdom indeed to review these before commencing with this in-depth part of Jealousy.

They are ALL related to our topic of finding Peace from the Green Eyed monster we call Jealousy.

Green Eyed monster is a very good analysis and we at Psychegnosis News would like to reiterate that Jealousy is in fact a monster that lies dormant within us ALL.

As we have also said in our previous articles when we feed any Emotion it becomes a Reality - but only in our minds.

When we give it the food of thought we allow the Green Eyed monster to become a part of who we are.

It becomes connected to our very Being.

These thoughts are always based on what has happened in our Past or is part of some fictitious Future thought we think will take place.

The Past or Future events we believe are who we are becomes the monster of the Present.

Then we are not what we can Be.

These Past and Future happenings prevent the Reality of the Freedom the Present has.

Only in the Present can Reality exist.

Only in the Present can we have control.

Only in the Present can we see that our Past is not who we are.

Only in the Present is peace from the insanity of focusing on what our monster tells us is going to happen in the Future.

Only in the Present can we become what we can BE.

The Green Eyed monster loves the Past or Future.

The Green Eyed monster thrives on Past or Future happenings.

The Green Eyed monster only exists in the Past or Future.

We are living in a fantasy World whenever we allow our minds to be who we are.

Our lives become dependent on so many differerent Emotions.

We change from one mood to another at the flick of a switch.

This insanity prevents us from sleeping properly.

This insanity causes us to treat our loved ones with disrespect.

This insanity makes us afraid to go to sleep and makes us afraid to be awake.

There is no escaping from the Green Eyed monster while we believe we are who think we are.

This is because we are not aware that we are not the Green Eyed monster or are we any Emotion or Experience we may have had.

The teachings of Mankind tell us to look into our Past to find out who we are.

We at Psychegnosis News would like to say that we look into our Past and discover the TRUTH of who are not.

Mankind has and is still teaching us in every book and Philosophy the lie that who we are is to be found in our Past.

There are countless self help books that try and tell us the same thing.

There are countless Psychologists and Psychiatrists who say we are our Past.

We would like to refute this nonsense and declare that we are not our Past and that believing we are is the cause of ALL illness in our bodies and minds.

It is a killer beyond comprehension.

The difficulty in understanding that we are not our Past is that no one has told us this before in such a way.

Every other Therapy including those who profess Positive Thinking believe we are our Past and they profess that we change one Emotion for another.

This is the difficulty of understanding what PSYCHEGNOSIS has to offer.

We are not our Past nor are we our Future.

We are not what has happened to us or what will happen to us.

The Present is our key to realising these words.

Those who understand will understand those who do not - cannot.

Our article tomorrow is our final one on Jealousy. We ask that those who have any comments please email to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) We ask for those wishing to be part of our new 30 day ADVENTURE please send in their willingness to take part asap. It is your life.


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