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What can PSYCHEGNOSIS Free me from? :  Revenge, just ends up blinding the whole World! ( Day 43)

What can PSYCHEGNOSIS Free me from? : Revenge, just ends up blinding the whole World!

http://www.psychegnosis.com/index.php/psychegnosis_news/articles/relationships/P52/ and Day 42 should be printed and read with this article. We are certain that this will help in bringing about a greater understanding of what Revenge is ALL about.

From our article written in March 2009 titled Revenge - is it really sweet? we published some interesting Statements and we wish to elaborate on some of these over the next few days. Here is the first of them :

“Revenge - is it really sweet? This question is answered with a resounding NO! The Worlds view would have us believe that it is good to return bad for bad. In our society today, the common “eye for an eye” reaction just ends up blinding the whole World.’

They (Mankind’s teachings) promote this policy in society, and the media is full of retaliation in their reports. In most movies they play with our emotions to the point that we cheer, when a violent end comes to some individual. But what really happens when we exact revenge on someone, within our minds and bodies?”

There is a lot to talk about in our first Statement above but we would like to focus on “Revenge, just ends up blinding the whole World!” for today. It will give us the viewpoint of most of Mankind’s belief on Revenge. The belief unfortunately is accepted as the norm. Is that being blind or not?

The facts of the matter is that by having a belief that Revenge brings about Justice has an adverse affect on our overall Health and Well Being. Revenge has been instilled in us ALL from birth and has subtlety become part of our whole Being. Every decision we make has at its core Revenge. Is that being blind or not?

In every culture we have a History of events that we look on that has Revenge within its pages. The stories we tell of injustices from our fellow man is laced within these stories.They give their own versions of these stories and pass them on from Generation to Generation. Families also do this and pass on the Vibration of Revenge. We think that that is OK. Is that being blind or not?

No wonder we are not at Peace when Revenge is taught to us from birth. No wonder the fabric of Society is being eroded when we believe in Revenge. No wonder that we have an undermining feeling of resentment build into our behaviour towards our fellow men. No wonder we find it impossible to forgive each other for what happens in our Relationships. Is that being blind or not?

It is impossible to forgive while we have this ingrained into our Sub-conscious. It is impossible to have Peace when we believe in Revenge. It is impossible to forgive anything when we say things like - “I will forgive but I will never forget.” Is that being blind or not?

The statement we have just quoted is accepted as being normal. There are many other statements that are similar within ALL the cultures of Mankind. The very idea that we shall never forget anything allows Revenge to be part of who we think we are. These are in-built into our D.N.A. and our minds are polluted by this nonsense. Is that being blind or not?

Our connection to History being who we are is dangerous. Our connection to being from a particular nation and being American or Jewish or Arabic or Russian or any other part of Mankind’s many cultures is dangerous. Our being part of a family or club is dangerous. The danger applies when we believe we are these things. Is that being blind or not?

They are not who we are but simply the part we are playing while we are here in the Physical World. We are only where we are in the World due to where we are born. ALL of Mankind is where they are because of where they are born. We are part of the great diversity of Mankind. We are where we are. It is as it IS.

Understanding what PSYCHEGNOSIS teaches about who we are not is an important part of appreciating this article so please have your printouts available at all times. Any comments to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Tomorrow more on Revenge.

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