
Friday, April 26, 2024


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What can PSYCHEGNOSIS Free me from? ; How can we be Free to have REAL Love ALL of the time? (Day 8)

“What can PSYCHEGNOSIS Free me from? ; How can we be Free to have REAL Love ALL of the time”?

Our Headline is a follow on from yesterday’s article which was about Love being an Emotion. Love is constantly sought by our Thinking Mind and is the cause of chaos in our Physical and Mental World.

When we look for Love what do we find?

Do we make the same mistakes over and over again?

Are we mere pawns in the game of Love?

Do we find that our Relationships constantly end up in turmoil and confusion.

Is our Emotions out of control before the Relationship begins - during the Relationship - after it finishes.

Then we have NOT been NOR are we in Love.

We are in fact in Love with being in Love.

We are convinced that when we fall in Love we shall be happy.

The Physical World is obsessed with being in Love.

The media tells us in every advert that you cannot be happy unless you are Loved or in Love.

We are told constantly by everyone and everything that we need to be in Love. What we are not told is that Love - is just an Emotion.

Real Love is our topic today but to be more specific we shall be discussing how to have Peace.

When we realise that Peace is not Love we shall be Free from what we believe Love to be.

The relevance of this Statement is in the meaning or the emphasis we have given Love in our Thinking Minds.

Unlike Love Peace is not an Emotion.

We would like to say to ALL Mankind at this time that we believe that it is normal to want to be Loved.

We also say that it is part of the Physical World to be have the Emotion of Love.

We would like to further stress that when we realise that we are not an Emotion Love will automatically and instantaneously enter our lives.

This realisation will give us those amazing powerful feelings ALL the time.

The difference is that we shall not have any of the following problems related to being the Emotion of Love :

1) We shall not feel a need to be Loved.

2) We shall not make the same Emotional mistakes because we shall realise we are not the Emotion.

3) We shall not treat any Human Being as being better or inferior to ourselves.

4) We shall not be unhappy or ill at ease when we are alone.

5) We shall not allow any Human Being to domineer or rule over us in any way.

6) We shall not feel that we have to please everyone.

7) We shall not find fault in any Human Being because we shall have realised it is not their fault but at the same tme we shall not allow ourselves to be abused.

8) We shall not need to make amyone feel guilt for our insane desire to be Loved.

9) We shall not Judge our lives on as being successful by having to be accepted.

10) We shall not be the person we believe others wish us to be.

All of the above “SHALL NOTS” will become part of our lives instantaneously when we realise that “we are not” our Emotions.

There are no ifs and there will be no buts it shall be exactly as promised.

No effort - no special programmes - no rehabilitation - no drugs - no Psychiatric help - no therapy of any kind.

It shall be as promised.

That is the power of realising “we are not” our Emotions.

We desire ALL Mankind to partake of this Freedom and ask that we ALL Observe our Emotions.

There are no mind tricks or pretence involved.

It is available NOW to ALL Mankind.

We invite ALL who read these words to try it. It is as it “IS”.

We appreciate that there is much more to the topic of Love as there is to ALL other Emotions so therefore we shall be continuing our discussions over the next few days. We ask for your feedback to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  All comments will be answered.

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