
Wednesday, May 08, 2024


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What can PSYCHEGNOSIS Free me from?:Selfishness - Good or bad, the “illusion” does not care( Day 2 )

What can PSYCHEGNOSIS Free me from? :Selfishness - Good or bad, the “illusion” goes not care


Our Headlines denotes something that may surprise us when we first hear about it but after looking at the evidence it will become clear what it means.

The relevance of good and bad is that the “illusion” loves the attention it gets and does not care whether it is for good or for bad.

We are reviewing our article from February and the first of the Statements is below in bold type :

“The “illusion” that we mistakenly take as “who we are” would seem, on the face of it, to be SELFISH. In the eyes of the world being SELFISH is a bad thing or at least a name that indicates a failing.

Well the “illusion” is SELFISH in only one way and that is as long as its given attention - it’s happy.

Whether it’s good attention or bad attention that is its only concern.”

There is two sides to the “illusion”, one of which is indifference to anyone or anything other than its own self interest.

The other side is that it will hold on to its “STORY” whether it makes it bad or good in the eyes of everyone.

We would like to explain exactly what these two sides are in detail.

We would at this time like to give each of the sides of the “illusion” names.

These names shall be known as “the carer” and the “don’t carer”.

Again as we discuss these terms we shall see the relevance open up to us.

We would like to at this time that BOTH sides of the “illusion” are no different to each other, other than what they may portray to the outside World a so called better face than the other.

They are both mind based and therefore dominated by the Thinking Mind being “who we are”.

The importance of “who we think we are”is the key to understanding what is meant by each of these names that have been given.

The “carer” and the “dont carer” are seeking only one thing - the attention it needs to give it identity.

We shall look at the “carer” first and see the role it plays in its identity search.

When we look at this we should look for signs that dictate what roles we have adapted that make up the “illusion the “carer” is playing in our own lives.

The “carer” has insatiable need to show the outside World it is a good person at ALL times.

It will defend its title no matter what.

To be a “carer” is all that matters.

One of the many roles that a “carer” plays is being a parent.

Parents take up this role and play it to the maximum as they make out to their children that they are Martyrs and that the their children should be grateful for the sacrifice they have made.

They take this Vibratory role so seriously that their children feel it even though they are adults and have their own children.

They are consumed by this role of always showing that they care at the same time playing the role of the martyr.

The “carer” needs someone who they believe needs them.

They show a concern for the “STORY” of the people they are helping and get carried away with the role they are playing.

This need for attention is as we said earlier an insatiable need to have an identity.

Without this identity they would be nothing and they will defend it to the death.

It is not their fault.

The “don’t carer” is exactly the same but in its case the roles are simply reversed.

Again the roles are many but for now we shall give one example of this - being a child long after we become an adult.

The example we are showing exists in ALL of us in one form or another and will perhaps shock us when we see it as it IS.

We never leave our childhood completely behind us.

When we meet our wives or husbands we take our roles as children with us.

We continue our need to be children and this dictates what partner we usually end up with.

The role of being a child never leaves us and is evident if we look closely at our relationships.

We shall be discussing this in more detail later.

To be a “don’t carer” is an insatiable desire to be looked after by a “carer”.

One without the other cannot exist.

ALL readers at this point should ask the following Questions :

1) As a child of my parents do I feel a Vibration of still being treated as a child when I meet or talk with them?

2) As an parent do I feel that when I meet with my children that they are still the child that they once were?

The above questions are important.

Please ask them to ourselves.

Both the “carer” and the “don’t carer” are roles we play because we have not understood that we are not any better or worse than anyone else.

They are both victims and both are not at fault.

It is not the role that matters it’s the VIBRATION it carries that is the problem.

Of course as a parent we need to give our child guidance.

As a child we need guidance in life.

These are roles that we need to have in society.

They are important.

What we need to understand is that they are “not who we are”.

When we realise this our VIBRATION instantly changes to one of REALITY.

We no longer carry our roles as parents into our children’s adult life.

We no longer burden our partners with carrying our child like behaviours into our relationships.

Those who understand will understand those that don’t - won’t. It is as it IS.

We shall be continuing this topic of CARER and NOT CARER in future articles. There is much to discuss. Tomorrow the next STATEMENT from our February issue. Please print yesterdays and today’s articles. Comments please to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Procrastination is an interesting word.



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