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What can PSYCHEGNOSIS Free me from? Tradition and Pride -  why do we do what we do? (Day 49)

What can PSYCHEGNOSIS Free me from? Tradition and Pride - why do we do what we do?

This article will be better understood if we ALL review our previous printouts. For our new readers these are days 47&48. They are very important because they are pertinent to what will bring awareness of our dependence on Traditions for being who we are as well as giving us evidence of - why we do what we do.

Our focus is on our article published on Sunday, February 15, 2009 titled - “Traditions - Good or Bad?” The next Statement from our publication is all about - why we do what we do :

“The passion for these Traditions we mistakenly take on ourselves gives us a reason to judge others, thus partitioning our fellow Humans. This makes it believed by millions of people thus contaminating our Sub-Conscious mind as well as the collective mind in that Society.”

What makes up our Physical bodies has far more to it than what meets the eye. What makes up what our Reality is much more than the majority of Mankind will ever discover. What makes up most of our lives is our focus on whatever comes to our minds. The Question is - why do we do what we do?

The Statement of - why we do what we do may at first seem a strange headline but its meaning will become evident as we go along. Our behaviour is what we do. Our behaviour to a greater degree is not voluntary it is something that we have been given through our D.N.A and vibrated through our Cellular systems. That is why it is not our faults for our behavioural patterns and is the reason for - why we do what we do.

We are if you liked programmed to behave the way we do. The programming is deeply entrenched in our Sub-conscious and causes our behaviour to come into effect in circumstances that when it happens seems to be out of our control. It is because when we have been taught that we are our Emotions that they are who we are. That is - why we do what we do.

Every person who enters this World has this within their D.N.A and makes up our individuality and is a good thing when understood for what it IS. It gives us such things as our sexuality. It also gives us the desire to want to be Loved. It is our intellect. ALL this and more makes us up who we are in the Physical sense. It is - why we do what we do.

Our behavioural pattern was vibrated to our cellular systems by our ancestors through their reaction to their THINKING. It is a good thing and when we understand the we are not responsible for our behaviour it explains - why we do what we do.

When we understand that this is the way it IS we then instantly have control over what we do from that time forth. When we observe our behavioural patterns we suddenly see - why we do what we do.

When we observe ALL our Emotions fall into place without any effort. We then are no longer afraid of what our Emotions can do to us. We are FREE from our behavioural patterns because they are suddenly given the role they play within our cellular systems. Observance then allows us to be in control of - why we do what we do.

Our Emotions are then not like a runaway train. We can see that they are not who we are but are simply Emotions. It is as it IS.

More tomorrow on this fascinating subject. PLEASE PRINT OF ALL THE ARTICLES STARTING FROM DAY 47 onwards. This article is very deep and can only be understood in its entirety if we review these publications. We desire that ALL Mankind can be aware of - why we do what we do. ALL comments please to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

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