
Tuesday, April 23, 2024


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The article we have chosen to review was written in February 2009 its title was “Titles and names - the “illusions” Heaven.”

It brought in an amazing response at that time so we would like to elaborate on its content.

It shall when looked at bring out the insanity of using titles and badges and reveal how the “illusion” controls our lives.

They are involved in ALL of Mankind’s dealings and are accepted as being normal.

The importance of seeing the insanity of our reverence for titles shall Free us from the shackles of the “illusion”.

Let us begin with the article as it was written then.

It is in BOLD TYPE below :

“Titles and names are, as the heading says, the “illusions” heaven.

There has never been anything more destructive to this wonderful world than a Title or a Name.


Well, it is the cause of all Wars, Family breakdowns, ending friendships and even working relationships.

The word title is connected to power.

It is the “illusions” connection also.

When we believe we are the Title therein lies the problem.

A person that runs for Government office or parliament is a prime example.

He starts off as sincere.

Then he believes he is superior.

He cannot take criticism.

He believes he knows what’s best at all times. He becomes paranoid and thinks that others are after his title or money. He uses anything to keep that power.

The list is endless and can be used for other Titles or Names.

When parents treat their children as if they own them and they are their property. The same for Husbands/Wives when they assume that they own either party.

Countries believe they are superior to other nations. Religious people believe they have a right to judge other religions as “being wrong” thus causing all of the above results.

Even more sad is the passing on of this vibration to children in our schools. They cause division by the badges that are held in esteem so much so that they alienate all around them who do not have their badges.

These badges can be on clothes. They can be in the way they have their hair cut. They can be in a tattoo. They bully and harass those who are not the same. Where does it begin?

It began at the beginning of time when thoughts became who we were. It became part of our culture. Our belief systems were passed on from generation to generation. Thus becoming our subconscious.

This vibration was difficult to break until now. The understanding that PSYCHEGNOSIS gives will allow everyone to be free from this curse that ALL humans are participating in.

The reason we cannot see it is because the “illusion” that we believe we are has control. It’s incredible how easy it is to see when we stop thinking.

We then start to observe our Traditions, Titles, Badges etc suddenly seeing them for what they are. It is a very wise man that can hold a title without it going to their head.”

For our regular readers who understand the Law of PSYCHEGNOSIS the above article was a major part of realising the insanity of our dependence on our Thinking Minds.

When we see how much a title brings out unbelievable behavioural patterns in Mankind we should be embarrassed to see how we once thought our connection to titles and badges were once the ultimate goal we had.

No wonder our children grow up with a false sense of superiority or inferiority when parents buy expensive clothes and tell them that it is important.

We live in a World dominated by our sense of superiority or inferiority and ALL the resulting factors connected to these powerful Emotions. They are what we shall call the “great divide”.

No wonder we cannot find Peace when we instill thoughts of superiority or inferiority by looking at titles and badges as our benchmark for who we are.

No wonder we cannot find Peace when look at someone with material goods as either a better or worse person than we are.

No wonder we cannot find Peace when we are not satiified with what we have been given by Nature. That we have been dealt a card that is either better or worse than any of our fellow Human Beings.

No wonder we cannot find Peace when we are constantly Judging one another by what title they may have or not have.

No wonder we cannot find Peace if we are never happy until we change who we are into something better than we think we are.

No wonder we cannot find Peace!!

We shall leave us with this Question which is also our Headline :

WHO THE HELL DO WE THINK WE ARE? It is as it IS so be grateful for what IS.

We shall see what tomorrow brings. editorial@psychegnosis please for ALL comments   Procrastination is not an article as yet but we are aware of it and will address it in due course.

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